Show STREETER HAS NOT YET GIVEN UP CONTEST FOP LAND X 1 sit after alteen years full of strange vicissitudes ae as ever beset any empire the sun seems to have set upon district of lake lahe michigan in chicago dy by a decision of judge chytraus in the superior Su perlo court the rights of caps streeter to six acres of land within the territory he claimed were denied this a precedent that must result lawyers say bay in the ultimate relinquishment of at the entire tract streeter heard the words that changed him from a possible millionaire aire a territorial governor sheriff and postmaster to a plain caan without a tremor perhaps one and of at his freshly oiled boots swung back and borka over his knee more rapidly possibly ho he his red whiskers whis sLora Lers a trifle trite harder but there was no other sign it aint over ill be burned et of it Is aid gald the as he left the court room but the old fire was not in hie his voice and the silk hat was not tipped at the old familiar angle as he vent up the street thus ends it la is thought one of the most peculiar land contests tyer fought it involved the ownership of property valued at itt more than the claimants on the one hand band were vere millionaires whose land abutted on the property and whose whoso combined fortunes were up tip in the billions and on the other hand caan streeter their claims were based upon rl ri varian rights his bis was that of at a squatter it was in 1886 that streeter was wrecked at the foot toot of superior street in the storm his boat was carried upon the beach and aud during the to low w lag ing winter the lake waters carried more earth up this action of the waves has gone on steadily ever since until to day there are acree acres of 0 ground where there was water at the time of the shipwreck streeter has liv d on this territory most of the time since then it la is on this undisturbed residence that ho he bases his squatters claim for years people took him and his claim as a joke but thy caan was in earnest he lie had bad Us ahn n tract surveyed and laid it out in lots ho ila sold many of them then he organized a govern government ment he ile was wa elected selected by his six or eight followers territorial governor of the district of ot lake lale michi michl fan as well as sheriff he lie appointed himself postmaster pro tern tem until the president of the united states chose to appoint some one else hid followers ers got the minor offices of constable district commissioner superintendent of public A borks orbs and the like me optime mrs louisa healy widow of george P A healy the portrait artist who claimed the land upon which the court house stood brought suit to clear her title to the property and won her case a now streeters field of operations opera tlona will be milwaukee the united states court his artl artillery lery and his new tactic will consist in placing alexander it H revell the Now lerry estate and J V farwell to getter with others on the defensive I 1 ho he has obtained an order from judge jenkins of milwaukee compel ling theme men to show cause why an injunction should not issue against them enjoining th thorn m from interfering further with him ile a 0 A 4 0 DISTRICT MUST BE MOVED the seat se of the judiciary of the dietrict district of lake Nile michigan bigan Is on land t ak irn froin streeter by judee chytraus decision |