Show PURELY PERSONAL torn tom nichols went to zion last day sheriff wilcox wis was licie monday on business miss ida whitmore Is ut at home front suit stilt lako city bishop nixon of 0 huntington wa was a price visitor dinst monday senator whitmore Whit moro has returned to nephi from his Sun bunns nId side ranch E R gibson and paul harrington of sunnyside Sunny side are in zion this mrs AO A 9 bean bonn of soldier station has beur returned ed f from rom salt lake labe city mrs J S darko of cantle gate la Is visiting vath re latits in ili salt lako lake city county commissioner aae and family camo IL from kino nine mile last sunday IV W J hughes has returned to sunny side f from roin a velt to f frienda in penn sl vanla L and family are ex 1 I home the last of this month 1 from the east mrs georae large mcdermand McD ermald of castle h hoa WR mit returned r n H I 1 I 1 from z n a visit with relatives I 1 in castle valley county commissioner mclean and aud family uru at dener cind nd colorado springs R 0 and family of stint side visited with re latles ut at cleveland eland la john kelly of tho the wasatch store company at sunn 9 ide la is spending hn vacation loit in cl chicago ity ago B BF F luke lukeland and 10 lo of orange villa are attending atten attending din g the elks carnival at salt luke city this week Mt bleish saNora nora blake of soldier station I 1 it is eitt entered ered a 1 suit salt lako lake city hospital to become a trained nurse james peterson Pe torson and wife of price were the guests of friends and rela at castle dale data last meek S P barron of the american Ameil can asphalt com company pally camo came in ili bioni st louis last saturday and left sunday moraine by stage fui fol tile gil bonito prop e cities ties A 11 morcy of owego N Y ono one of the stockholder ei 8 ot of the new york and nod utah oil company camo in f from roni clarka clarks vally last sunday nud aud later litter left to foi zion where ho lie jq 1 it delegate to tho el Elks k alvn convention antion f from rom his ills to town a i C U X glonn blonn of california was heie helo imbt week Il having living mado an nit aaion of some sollie mining property prop eity in ili emery county together wita aitu his ills partner F 0 11 richardson among other prospects r 0 erects looked at was the uranium 1 FI lately t ll 11 located locate by price parties mrs harkness hei husband judge harkness to price on an his ills trip this week to meet with the board of commissioners A after after fter a it drive the ton botn n and through the well ell shaded streets mrs harkness ex expressed it decided preference for arv price 0 for fora it at some future time rev bev S 8 allison came bad f from rom ala M conference at tit zion thu thull 11 A t of tit the icek week to bee u to the shipping of ills ho household goods to tho I 1 district where lie has been assigned i for two cars while white regretting to leae leale price ho he itald ream his its estimable w if ure much plea pleased seI wit with lithe tho now new charge they will 1111 bo be missed here |