Show OAMBLERS ARE mm Officer Brown Raids a Game in Full Blast FORMERLY THE GREEN LIGHT Thq Policeman Gained Entrrmk in Civilian Attire and Played Roulette E < 1 Stowell Arrested as Proprietor Proprie-tor of the Place Asserts That a Dozen Games Arc in Operation Deposited 300 for Appearance in Police Court F W Evans as a Witness i Evidence of the truth of the assertion asser-tion that gamblinghouses still exist In the city was offered last night by the discovery of n house In full operation on Commercial street Ed Stowell better bet-ter known as Teddy Wjiack who was arrested as the proprietor of the place declared that there are nearly a dozen gamblinghouses running In the city and he said that he was nt a loss to know why he had been singled out and arrested The place raided last night formerly the Green Light gamblinghouse was betrayed intothe hands of the police by a man said to be a booster for the place The olllccrs had received a tip that gnmes were In operation the quiet at the old Green LigiiLanI OHlcer Brown the police forces latest addition addi-tion was detailed to make an effort to get Into the place while It was In operation op-eration He learned that Fred W vunH a iiiiior wno ruonis in inu Progress block had access to the games and accordingly induced Evans to take him Into the house The new ofllcer dressed In civilian clothes was not suspected of being a biu coaL He took pains to make himself out exactly the sort of person that a firstclass booster for a gamblinghouse would be looking for and was piloted past the lookout at the head of a flight of stairs and Into the room where the principal furniture I was roulette wheels and faro tables Evans stepped up to a roulette heel and tried his hand at the game Then the ofllcQr exhibited his badge and announced that the proprietor pro-prietor was under arrest A moment later Acting Sergt Hempel who had been in altlng on the outside entered and Stowell was taken to the police station Ho admitted that lie had been running a game but said he had opened the place only a few hours before be-fore it was raided He was booked on a charge of keeping a gamblinghouse and made to deposit 300 for his appearance ap-pearance in Police court Monday Evans was booked as a witness against Stowoll and Instructed to appear against him at the time of his arraignment arraign-ment before being allowed to depart |