Show n r T GEORGIA CORN PONE Delicacy for Which Congressman Livingston Longed i Corn pone oldf Iashlon d and appetizing 1 appe-tizing eras introduced in the House restaurant more than ten years ago by Congressman Livingston of Georgia The Congressman is an authority on corn bread and an artist in cookIng says s the Washington correspondent of the New York Sun When I first came to Congress said Mr Livingston lOr thought I would starve because I could not get corn bread I Imagined I could feel my backbone and stomach growing together to-gether The corn bread I had served tome to-me was positively not fit to eat It was watery close and clammy I hunted up the proprietor the House restaurant the poor fellow peace to his ashes is now dead and told him I wanted to send to Georgia i for some waterground cornmeal and that with his permission I would wobuld teach his chef how to cook a corn pone and hoccake My proposition Juts agreed to and air I didnt wait to write but I telegraphed for a bushel of meal mealIn a few days the express company dumped a sack be meal off at the House restaurant me I untied the strIng and took a long whiff The aroma was sweeter than that of any I flower that 0 ever bloomed I was so desperately hungry that I couldnt lose limo showing the chef how to make the i pone but made it myself I brought Judge Crisp Tom Grimes Allen Chandler Chan-dler and others of the GeorgIa delegation delega-tion down with me to the restaurant and we had a feast Well the result < was that I taught the chef how to cook pones and hoecakes and there were I many sacks of meal shipped from Georgia to the House restaurant Indian corn is the homespun king and thele Is not a cereal descrying more and iccelvlngless from the AmerIcan Amer-ican people Tho food made from cornmeal corn-meal Is the best and purest bread for people to eat Clean sweet woier ground white meal makes the finest bread in the world a bread whlch Is nutritious easy of digestion and palatable pala-table To make the bread palatable It must be thoroughly cooked The crust should be brown and crisp and the Inside white and soft and there Is nothing mdch better if you have fresh sweet butler to eat with It There Is a kind pf hoecake that deserves de-serves a better name It is called dog bread To make It calfs lover l and bacon are cooked and cut up Into small pieces and finally mixed with the hoecake hoe-cake n fish before i it Js turned into the pan to cook Then it is baked and smy how good It Is f I |