Show TALK IN BERLIN hCom Ioolor National Liberal member for Brackwede has been Bracltwce nn lOU1Qd PIlaT Minister of Commorco in succession to Herr Brcfeld German Innnclr having close rOlrt Uoil wlh the Rhis3inn Government ln 1 credit the report of t HU8lnn loan or oO mark from Frnc ount on Buelow yon celebrated his fifty hocond birthday Cl1f lNo one 1t to iavo heard that Emperor William sent the Imperial Chancellor a gift or a sage ot congratulations 0 mas The Gorman Foreign office empowers the Associated Press to assort that Gor mon Das not acquired a coaling ntullon on the Island ° MnrFurlta off the coust or Venezuela i cOjSt through tho agency of the h German cruiser Vlnota I Till KcicliHtag1 yesterday passed the L third rending of tho bill provldlnj for tho tht support of persons Incapacitate tr by war and the survivors of those killed and Ind I providing coinpcnsaton In tho case of f juries those acting In a military capacity C19a for In |