Show mum I I there In thc How many negroes are United States R F DOver D-Over OOOoqO probably but the figures fig-ures of UiBt ycaro enumeration have not been given out J What Has been the Increase of population popu-lation InCanada every decade since 1861 Albion The cerisuB figures have been 18G1 3182418 1871 3635024r 1881 1321810 1831 4838239 S Who was the deserter who carried the plans of Fort Washington to the English En-glish commander In 1776L J William Demont AdjutantGeneral Robert Mfcgard commandant of tho POOL I What In the meaning of Ameer l 2 How many children has the Emperor of Germany J K A Mohammedan ruler those ol Afghanistan Af-ghanistan and of Bokhara are the moro Important ones 2 SevenS Seven-S How many miles of railroad arc In the United States 2 What proportion propor-tion of the railroads the world Located Is L located In the United States 3 How many persons arc employed by the railroads In tho United Statcs7J M S About 193000 2 About 10 per cent 3 Very nearly = onq million I Kamaa Utah May 1st Editor Tribune Was the attitude of foreign nations toward China such as to Justify them in attempting to drive out the foreigners 2 What caused them to make the attempt 3 By what right were the foreigners In China by treatyor otherwise If by treaty what treaties were they and when made Your answer will be appreciated by a reader of your valuable paperGeorgo F Bucher The attitude of foreign nations toward to-ward China was contemptuous and rapaciously aggressive but while China may have had good reason to wish the expulsion of foreigners she was unable to accomplish it and nothing noth-Ing could Justify the atrocities perpetrated I perpe-trated upon foreigners In China 2 A feeling that they were being undone un-done and that tho resident foreigners were In great degree responsible for the undoing 3 In tho treaty ports their right of residence was expressly guaranteed and custom had given a claim of Immunity to foreign residents In China beyond treaty limits It Is not practicable to recite all tho treaties and when made S S Was ever a man known to have been attacked qr eaten by a ahark7J C C Yes though such a thing may never have occurred in temperate waters In the tropics there are several species that attack man the most formidable being tho while shark which sometimes some-times attains a length of forty feet S o Is Memphis ii chartered city or is it still the county seat of Shelby county AT FIt F-It Is a chartered city having been reIncorporated in 1891 after having overcome the financial difficulties that led to the surrender In 1879 of the original charter and Is I the county seat of Shelby I e Woodland I Summit county May 3rd Editor Tribune What became of Blcnncrhaasctt and his wife after their association with Aaron Burr 2 Who got Blennerhassett Inland I and how big is the Island Did he own all of it Did they leave any famIlY3 Was he ever tried with Burr for conspiracy oj 1 Where can I get the best History of the Popes Whose 5s considered the best Thomas P Potts Blennerhassett tried several schemes to recoup his fortunes after the Burr failure among other things trying to raise cotton on 1000 acres of land he bought near Port Gibson Miss This Project being a failure he moved to Montreal and practiced law for awhile a-while He tried to recover some of the money advanced in the Burr scheme from those who had made themselves responsible for money advanced but without success He sailed for Europe I in 1822 and after various suIt and efforts to recoup his fortunes died on the island of Guernsey February 1 I 1831 His wife was with him throughout through-out and returned to America In 1842 and petitioned Congretja for a grant of money for tho spoliation of her former home on Blannerhassett Island Henry Clay presented the petition and a committee com-mittee of the Senate made favorable report upon It but she died pending further action and was burled by sisters of charity In New York 2 Blennerhassett creditors 3 He was arrested and held for trlalbutcm Burrs acquittal the case against him was dismissed 4 i At a bookstore consult any work on tho subject for guidance in choiceS choice-S S SHow S-How can I write my name on a saw with acldYm E B Coat the steel surface with a wax made of equal parts of beeswax Bur gundy pitch and asphaltum scratch the name In the wax coating and apply nitric acid to which about four parts of water have been added In a few mln tiles wash off the acid and clean the steel with benzine co S S What five States have the lowest per centages of illiteracy J N P N Returns of this character from last years census are not yet available The five lowest States In 1890 were Ne braska 311 per cent Wyoming 341 Iowa 361 Kansas 399 and South Da Icota 422 These persentages are based on the total population of those ten years old or older S S SOgden Ogden May 1tL Editor TribuneI there a training school for jockeys near here and how much docs It cost to enter how does the racing season lastG A long R There Is no Jockey training school known of in the State but any of the more experienced rIders Lt the tracks would give lessons in riding The r1C Ing season usually commences on Decoration day wIth meets promoted at Irregular intervals during the sum mer months S S a J Hilliard > wy April 30th Editor Tr > uneWhat can be done i to kill the smell I of pine in a room that has been celled l with pine lumber and II T 16 kept shut most of the tlmcG W TGI 1 Give the room a thorough coat of nn Paint and then varnish it Ventilation from overhead would also be advisable S Editor Salt Lake City April 28th TrlbUne1 Yhlch IR gram maUCnIl correct to say 0 sitting or eggs OJ a Belting oC eggs 2 Are there any ready markets for Bef glan hares In Salt Lake and if 80 where 3 What is the usual price for tanning a hide 4 1 now arc the bill boards regulated in this city 1 c wo arc alloited to U3 ° thcm and If so what Subscrlbcr price are they rented forA 1 Setting of eggs 2 Try market Row on West First South street 3 You should stat what kind of a hide I Write to sonic furrier or commission Vate Compln compnnles 4 They are OWnod by pu rl S S wm the railroad Vie ° from Moscow to Port Arthur r run through any t < 1 territory other than what belongs to Russia T J 0 > Yes 1 unJe8S lcforc the road IjJ finished > i Russia seizes the territory through o whfclv It pasBr5Thls hardly IB likely because she Jitlflh right by treaty thChinatocarry n railroad Into I central Manchuria and to build from I the latter point roPorl Arthur unless China herself decides tp construct the Jattcr line And China wont soon bo prepared for railroad building 5 5 Salt Lake City April 26th I Editor Tribune Was Alice Adamn ever married after Uales death or not and how long l did one live after his death A Subscriber The librarian of the public library dt Boston will probably be ablo to answer your query satisfactorily S S S I Brldger Ida April 24th Editor Tribune Can a stage contractors con-tractors stepdaughter take a post officcP v I No S What was the original package decision de-cision and what was the outcome of It7H A decision the United States Su premo court In May 1900 which held that liquor might be carried Into any State and solelIl the original packages without regard to local prohibitory or restrictive laws The result was the establishment I es-tablishment In States that had prohibition prohibi-tion laws of many original package I liquor shops In July 1S90 Congress passed a law that mode all such beverages bever-ages that were brought Into a State orT or-T Immediately subject to Its laws as If they had been produced In Its borders wltnout exemption because they had been Introduced In their original origi-nal package J 5 S Salt Lake April 2Dth I Editor Tribune When was the saucer track at the Salt QPalaco completed com-pleted and who won the first race on j it1 and when Old Subscriber 0 The Salt Palace cycle track was completed the early part of May 30 The first meet was given on Decoration Decora-tion day John Lawson won the first race J I S S a Mill Creek April 29th Editor Tribune A and B have places I t I adjoining each other A puts out some I poison to kill gophers and notifies B I about It Bs chickens come over and get some of the poison and die Can B sue for damages N AYes A-Yes There Is a law against placing poison around In that wayS way-S S e Salt Lake City May 3rd Editor Tribune What Is the record for throwing a ball or stone 2 Was Frank J Cannon an Inmate oC the State prison and for what offense and dalcGO R C Campbell holds the record for I throwing baseball 381 feet 2 Inches 2 He was never an Inmate o M 5 r What Is the language of postage stamps when pasted on letters 111 K The following called the pOstage stamp flirtation may be what you want Upside down left upper corner cor-ner l I love you crosswise same corner cor-ner My heart is anothers upright same corner Goodbye sweetheart upside down right upper corner Write no more In tho middle 91 f right edge WrIto at once In middle upper edge Yes In middle lower edge No right hand corner crosswise cross-wise Do YOU love meV ton corner right t I wish your acquaintance bottom corner left I seek your friendship friend-ship on line with surname Accept my love same place upside down I am engaged crosswise at same place I long to see youS r i S S Who were the Labadists and what were the doctrines of their belief 2 DJd they ever prosper in this country C G Converts of Jean Labadle who was born at Bordeaux In 1610 and who left I the Jesuits to preach doctrines of hlfc own By 1650 he had publicly embraced the Reformed faith and for the next nineteen year preached In Germany and Holland making eminent converts con-verts and strenuous antagonists In 1CC9 in Amsterdam he formed the body that took his name and a year later was expelled from Holland Four YQars afterward died Histdootrlnos weio a combination of Calvinism and mysticism He rejected Infant bap tism and observance of the Sabbath and advocated communism in proper ty and ascetic practices 2 Early In the eighteenth century Labadlst missionaries mis-sionaries settled New York but did not found churches a S S Santaquin April 29th Editor Tribune Please state in Questions and Answers the Important advancement in the social political national military and naval realm dur 1 ing the Iqst five years also name tho principal Inventions of the United States and oblige E F Experts are writing large books on these topics S 5 5 Salt Lake City May 1st Editor Tribune How shall I pro cecd If I wish to become a trained nurse and to whom shall I apply M H There are two hospitals In Salt Lake I City having training schools for nurses St Marks hospital and the KeoghMcKenno Application to the superintendent the training school for nurses at either hospital will doubt less bring a espouse giving deshed in formation a I t Smlthvlltc April 25th Editor Tribune In a game of 63 how many Is game Must a trump be led Is It compulsory to follow suit If one party unintentionally discards a trump and holds another suit card can any of the other three parties pick the trump up and play It 2 What formation Is tho foot and hanging walls of the Ontario and the Honeflno Stockton mines Sltythrj > e is game It Is not compulsory com-pulsory to follow suit If a trump Is led all must follow suit if able If a plain suit JB led a player may trump oven when holding a card of the suit led but If he does not trump he must follow suit If he can Should a player discard a trump his partner may call his attention to it and it maybe taken Iack providing the player has not been helped to cards of has not lifted the cards drawn The others cannot take It up but any trumps found in the discard dis-card at the end of the hand count for the side that made tho trump 2 In theOntario lime and quartzite in the Honerlne porphyry and lime S S a Is the order known in which Shakes peares plays and poems were written vDP Not exactly and It Is much disputed hut It Is believed that if he wrote Ti tUB Andronlcus il was his first play I and that it was brought out before I 1590 Loves Labor Lost 1590 Is generally put an his first original play followed by Comedy of Errors Two I Gentlemen of Verona and A Midsummer I Mid-summer Nights Dream Here too come Plenry VI and Richard III I Romeo and Juliet 15 I put next by some writers later by others Then come Richard JIL King John The Merchant of Venice Hpnry IV As You Like It Much Ado About Nothing Twelfth Night Julius Caesar The Merry Wlvefl Tam I ing of the Shrew Hamlet Alls 1 Well Moasuru for Measure Trol I huH and Cresslda Othpllo King Lear Macbeth Antony and Cleopatra Cleo-patra Corlolanua Cymboline The Tempest and i Winters Talo j the latter at about 1611 Tlmon of I I I Athens Pericles and Henry VIII I are not wholly Shakespel1r und their I I history < < lB dim vcntier t l 4donia > u CJ was an early work Lucrece came not long after It The Sonriets arc placed at from 1695 to 1590 u Lima Mont April 2nd Editor Tribune To settle a dispute please answer In next Sundays Tribune I Trib-une how many men Roosevelt took to Cuba under his command A Subscriber Sub-scriber Ha took eight trOops or companies I the whole numbering all told about 500 men present for duty 5 5 5 Salt Lake City April 30th I Editor Tribune PIcaea say in next Sundays Tribune what the population of the United States was as shown by J the 1870 > census the 1880 census and tho 1890 census What was the percent I per-cent of Increase in each Instance What was Canadas population in 1870 and what was hOi Increase In the ten years following Pendoxicr Foi the United States Per cL Year Populatn Inc 1S70 7 3558371 im 50153783 300S IbW < > G26r250 24E6 Canada Your Populatn Inc I JS71 3b3502t 1SSI 4324810 GS97SG 1 There wad no census of Canada in 1870 S S e By what method should one proceed I to truce the genealogy of family that can be traced back seventyfive years I but where no record as to Its nationality nation-ality can be ascertained Citizen The usual method Is to seek information Informa-tion of anyone and everyone who would bo likely to know the particulars particu-lars you lack Ordinarily the searcher Is persistent and sometimes cheeky requesting re-questing replies of very distant and unknown relatives and also asking I them to seek Information in almost the endlesschain fashion of any others of the blood of whom they may know This grade of searcher not un commpnly takes It very hard gets on a mania and doesnt Improve his reputation rep-utation with hI0 relatives nor increase their pride lln their family connections I Exports advise the searcher to oe any of family traditions accepting i Instead what a parent may write 1 of his own children such public le olds as wills mortgages and deeds letters church II records t and inscriptions on tomb sCofosl 1irtli ascending line the an cestojs double in every generation that by going back twenty generations It will be found that every man has over a million ancestors Now buy your postdge Salt Lake f 1 City March 2 Edjtor Tribune Will you please tell me through next Sundays Tribune what disposition was finally made of I the ship subsidy bill which was introduced in-troduced Into the United States Senate Sen-ate by Senator Mark Hanna December Decem-ber 19 1898 and in the IIous by Mr Payne January 21 18997A Subscriber The bill was talked to death in the Senate S S To Spanish Fork Sender We dont know of the school you Inquire about anything relating to It would have to baby way of advertisement S SWill S-Will you tell me something tho work and management of the city sweatshops I1ca The typical sweatshop this country coun-try Is in the tailoring trade though j the system of subcontracting holds In other kinds of needlework maltIng malt-Ing and the preparation of feathers fancy leather goods and artificial flow ors In England It appears also In the fur book chain and nail trades Incase In-case of the typical sweatshop the I wholesale clothier J supplies > the cloth j and often cuts and trims it In his own I shops The goods is then farmed out tn rontrnMnrRtn hn mnrln l iu t iUU lIIUnlUIJ iiiuuir nr nf fin uj agreed price per garment la a small room attached to his lodgings the work Is done at wages fixed on a piece basis ba-sis that often necessitates a workday of sixteen or more hours for a nominal nomi-nal days pay Oftpn the profit tho sweater Is so small that lie works ns long l audI as < hard as do his employees again his establishment Is of considerable consid-erable size Often the workshops are sleeplngroorrife the sweater lodging his workmen and very often unsanitary conditions prevail The frightfully low wages that prevail are due in some degree de-gree to the fact that much of the work is done by women who are only aux Illlary supporters of the family In the larger sweatshops conditions usually usual-ly are better than in the small ones becoming more like factory labor and less like a home Industry |