Show IlLl TUE ADVENTURES OF TDE MERRY = 60 = ROUNDSiv t iv iva V1T h N f 42 l 1 The McrryGoIvound brothers Peter and Paul lived in the Circle Country which is on the side of the earth Just exactly opposite the country where the Angle family dwell Everything In the Circle Country is made of curves there Is not a single straight line In that region Ono day Peter and Paul were out looking for square circles which arc scarcely ever found in the Circle Country and which arc almost as valuable valu-able as diamonds They had not found any but they had found lots of other tilings and were having a grent deal of fun when they saw a kite coming through the air at a great rate Along A-long string hung from the kite and dragged along the ground and as the kite flew by overhead Peter and Paul caught the string and tried to slop it The wind was blowing so strong and the kite was so large that Peter and Paul were dragged along after the kite as fast as they could run In a very little while they came to a mountain 30 steep that they could never have climbed It taj themselves but the kite drew them right along after af-ter It as it passed over tho mountain and In a short time they had reached the top Just then tho kite string broke off flew the kite and there they were They had to get down somehow and so they Just curled up and rolled down OC course no one but a Merry GoRound could do that without get ting dreadfully bruised but Peter and Paul reached the bottom safely and went home We would like our young readers to i try and draw a picture of Peter and Paul rolling down tho mountain The one rule to observe Is that only curved lines can be used No straight lines or shading allowed J r f r A t UtQ 1 tY r D 1 r Above is a picture Little Bo Peep and her sheep which differs from those of the nurser r rah nme Our younS iwets cap try their sl ± ill on writing a parody on Little Bo Peep 9 |