Show d Cgks Word dcfinlllonB unless otherwise stat ed are according to Websters Inlcrnp onnlpcllonnry LPPlncolt3 Gazetteer i or Phlllipsa DIctionary of Biographical Reference Original contributions will bo welcomed communications tor this de I parlmenl to be nddreaei to E K Chad bourn Lowlston Mu ronEBUS J I b I i ci I 3 I I I w f o I ir trn > t kl I The fato of a Peking criminal EFFENDI TRANSPOSITION AT i Aiy brothers an enlgmatlst ond fond of checkers chess and whist A ipotball player of renown Arul us a boxor hard to down At billiards too his supnlo wrist Bali won tho praIse of tho town Thus hes entitled to be classed Among my many PRIMAL LAST My uncle runs a grocery Way up in Botilneau N D He la the Burgess of the place And manufactures beer and lace A lumber dealer < too la he And eke the cnly bonlfacc Therefore ho phifnly should be classed Among my many PrtlAiAL LASl My cousin was graceless scamp shiftless youth Inclined to tramp let ho enlisted In his teens And now Is In tho Philippines And on the march or safe In camp He writes for leading magazines And thus ho also may be classed Among my many PRIMAL LAST Tvp many other FINAX who QuIckwUtcd ire and PRIMAL too Some term tho latter llckloness Iin often so U must confers Yet one that varied tasks can do His lucky star must ever bless May these bo such whom I have I classed Among my many PRIMAL LAST LALLEGRO 0 S 702ANAGRAMS 1 Traveling through Persia jomo years ago vc wore Induced by a friend accom panying us to visit ono of the perform ance of a wise man of tho East and aftrr careful observation we came awav under the hnpJcsslon that Jt was MIRE DF vi ING 2 A philosophical individual who had fiom somo cause found himself In the po sition of a tramp but who had seen bet ter days was passing through a well beLlied and prosperous district of our Eastern country when noting ono after another of the comfortable homesteads ho was seized with a deslro to TRAP SOME MORE With newfound ieolvo ho made application to a farmer to work lor his board for a time and by I faithful and Industrious service ho succepded In laying tho foundation of a prosperous life and rapturing tho farmers daughter von with her a farm and tho nuclcuo of future wellused wealth R G S S S i03A SWARM OF BEES Thoso wco busy workers tho bees ThoHO Indefatigable tollory With llrclos I labor and faThomlcls skill Change bad into good or change good Into III For instance change oilers to boilers boil-ers I 1 1 They mako of the aged the brave 2 They mako of lie nimble tha merry 3 Just ono little Insect a wee busy bee Can change a farm Into tho limb of a tree A twig of the peach or the cherry 4 They make of a night bird a dish C i And change a crow Into a river G They makes of a useful and beautiful grain Tho commonest vessel that travels the main 7 And charltj blesses the giverS giver-s But one thing they leave as It was For edges aro still only edges 9 But part of the head they turn Into a cub 10 And change a tamo animal l Into a shrub That Is commonly planted for hcdfros MVKTLE S S S 70ICURTA1LMENT ONE a Peruvian plant affords A tonic If youre feeling duller Or colors wine the book records But falls to specify tho color i TY O furnishes support and ease However lasted and acts may vary A cane if walks abroad will please A chair If you are sedentary 1 THRICE Is a largo Australian tree Useful or ornamental cither lint so for FOUR I own that he A graceless quadruped Is neither FIVE by Epyplluis was adored And carved on stones which they erected While SIX by many Is Ignored l Whcicby their language Is iiffccicd MCS V W S 705 WORD DELETIONS 1 Delete p funnlloniil orfjau from a icscuii1 and leave a stag 2 Delete ire from Imperiled and leave oom plouid 3 Delete a point of the compass com-pass from entertained sumptuously and leave supplied with food 4 Dc luto steam irom dissipating and leave I dining 5 Delete to consume by 1 lire from sapwood and leave sul phato of alumina and polassa 0 Do Iota Ua birds homo from seriously and leave In good season fi Delete sin from Satanlcal and cavoa platter plat-ter rho Initials of the originalwords spell what you will bo If you solve not till and the Initials of the deleted words transposed tell what you will be If you do MYIITLE V v a 7 CHARADE lINAL cnury JUlio maiden Blooming checks and auburn hair With the joys of chlldlicod laden I Free from soirow guile and care I Once I on tho sldowalk met her Tried In vain to ONE hot check She refused lo let mo pot horI hor-I In vain the chance did seek In the moments playful scuffle J For the prize I soupht pain I was hurt upon the TOTAL And tot days I limped with pain Little FINALS heart relented When she hoard mo groan with pain Freely gave the boon asked I for And wo were pood friends ai tin I P A TRICK coo 707 DEC A PITATIONT t ISo I-So co all the days of our life In cases or In envy and strife They pass and tho WHOLE of tho year IK told by the moment now hereWith I here-With Christ for our helper and guide l DJd o wo cafely rjdo In on the tldefc = i 7il Or nilsHlnc the call and tho hall Did We fearfully utterly fall Our own path In life wo may make We chooso our own road hero to take May ONE Irom above on us flow And we llvo evermore In Its glow I Then the years as onward they roll Shall butgladden and strengthen the souls I Till we hear from tho Master court The weB done enter the port I SARI i SAR-I < S Slays Pri cOne c-One of the most oapcrly sought prizes I tho editor Iras over offered has hen I Stormoiuha Dictionary n fine octavo vol t urno of over 12W pages A copy of thIs work will bc given the reader bonding t Inl the beat lot of answers to the lanRlcs published In May Tho solutions whether I ono or several each lime are to bo forwarded for-warded weekly full credit to bo given I each competitor at hid close of ihs mcnth S S S ANSWERS 5Tho charge of tho UX at JSalaklava G4JG1 Tonnago 2 Herlttige 3 Marriage Mar-riage 1 ForwKC 5 Pillage C t Pupll nge 7 Tutorlige S iondve t I Pursopage 10 Pecrago U Badinege 1 Ioitago 13 Dlsadvmtage H 1 11 Frllhusc 15 Carnage 16 Ibmage 17 lIIHIgc IS Passagc HI llIcurc 20 ColirHge 21 Alienago 22 Adage 2 I Plumage 21 Cabbagc 23 Cottage 2i tj Pottage 27 Leakage 23 Damaye 13 I Sausa 20 Pa irongo I Q jt Daniel Boone 2 1 Charles Dlck CMS 3 Robert Ingcisoll 1 Mark Twain 5 Benedict Arnold C William Lloyd Garrison 7 Honry TV Longfellow Longfel-low S Adam Forcpaugh 9 Thomas BRo B-Ro d 10 Peter Cooper CSS Northmen CsO When they pas the first time tho two have covered the entire road and locomotive A has been 7 miles Between tho Jlrst meeting and tho second the two loconioltves have covered twice the Ibiigth l of the load and locomotive B has run 7 und S or 15 miles Therefore1 It would cover 152 or 7J ½ miles while the two covered the entire road But rue oilier runs 7 miles In the same time that Is the lime It lakes both to cover the entire roadand 7 plus TVS or 14 ½ miles must he the required length of the road mOA wheel CO Virginal rivaling |