Show STAT TBAOHKRS MEETING P B Cooper Resigns Presidency of Association The executive committee of the Utah State Teachers association held a meeting yesterday at the rooms of the City Board of Education Vicepresi dent Mrs Emma J MoVlcker presiding presid-ing i The members of the committee present wore Mrs McVlcker Messrs J L Brown E M Whlteside and W S Wallace secretary The resignation of Superintendent Frank B Cooper of the Salt Lake City schools as president of the State Teachers Teach-ers association was presented and accepted ac-cepted I was decided to hold the next State Teachers association meeting in Salt Lake on December 2Gth 27th and 25th next The following chairmen of committees com-mittees for that meeting were named Kindergarten Department Miss Mary C May of Salt Lake City Primary DepartmentMiss Ella Lawson of Pleasant Grove Grammar Department D OMc Kay of Ogden Secondary and College Department Mr Byron Cummlngo ot University of Utah Superintendents Department C Nelson State Superintendent School Board Department President W J Newman Action was taken looking to the securing se-curing of talent of national repute to deliver lectures at tho meeting of the State association Tho committee then adjourned to meet at3 oclock pm June 3rd at tho City Board of Education rooms Stato University Dr Orson Howard will be chaplain this week S S S Upon the invitation oC Dr Merrill Mrs Rebecca E Little spoke to the students at chapel on Wednesday and George M Cannon on Thursday d n S The last dancing party of the series given the University Athletic association asso-ciation will be given at Christensens next Friday evening The chaperons will be Mcsdames J T Klngsbury Joseph Jo-seph F Merrill IL N McCoy and Byron Cummings e S Next Tuesday afternoon the normal class of 1902 will give some exercises in i memory of the late Dr John R Park It being the anniversary of his birth The programme Avill consist of addresses by President J T Kings bury and Lorenzo Elggren and musical musi-cal numbers by Miss Ethel Smithen the 02 girls quartette and by the class The exercises will begin at 330 oclock The friends of the Institution us well aa the students generally are invited i to be present S v Tho fourthyear normal class at 3 meeting on Thursday decided to give a kirmcss Friday evening May 17th A musical programme and n number of specialties will be given There will also be dancing and booths for alI kinds of sweet eatables S S a The special history lecture this week will be given by Instructor L E Young Tuesday afternoon at 230 His subject sub-ject will be Musings on Current Topics I e S a Superintendent J L Brown of the Utah county schools addressed the Normal society Friday afternoon on Some of the Practical Problems to Bo Solved by the Normal Graduates The address was rich with valuable thought and advice that touch upon the teachers life S S She S-he naughty twos had a class meeting lust Thursday and upon being asked what was done one member after af-ter another replied Nothing nothing noth-ing i It was learned nt last however that nothing meant that they had pledged themselves to keep classmeet ing i business a secret hereafter Older students saw at once that nothing moans that the class has begun to discuss dis-cuss their classday exercises for JuneS June-S S S The 01 normal class has decided to have a naughty one souvenir printed during commencement week I will contain the songs addresses and papers given at their classday exercises and other matters of Interest to the class S S a The time for the debatewlth the University Uni-versity of Nevada has been definitely fixed for the 21th of May Another fireball however has set fire to the negotiations between the two Institutions Institu-tions The question for debate reads Resolved That the promotion of industry in-dustry by subsidy bounty or bonus Is good public policy In the United States In framing the question the University had used the phrase in the United States so as to have it Include In-clude State county and town governments govern-ments a well as the Federal Govern ment The Nevada debaters now say that they considered It to be confined to the Federal Government and that they could not think of debating the question if It Included local governments govern-ments because they say It would then become too much onesided S V S The men proposed by the University of Nevada as judges for the debate with that institution are A E Cheney Judge of the Second Judicial District court of Nevada Gilbert McRoss of the Ophlr mine at Virginia City and exStale Senator Trcnmor Coffin of Carson City The Nevada debaters will be Erwln W Ayres OL Fulton A Ponham 01 and George Sprlngmeyer 02 S S S A tennis club was organized at the University on Friday with George S Glbbs as president and Gill Richards treasurer The officers will sec that the new court is completed within a few days V S SOn S-On Monday Architect Dallas will present his plans to the Board of Regents Re-gents for the new museum building and the machine shop to be erected on the University grounds this summer As soon as the plans are adopted bids will be Immediately called for contracts con-tracts let and work on the new buildings build-ings begun as soon as possible so that they may bo completed by the opening of school in September V PAt P-At the track meet between the coJ legialo preps and norms last Tuesday Tues-day one of the big varsity athletes let the sixteenpound hammer slip as he was swinging It with tremendous energy over his head The crowd scattered scat-tered in wild excitement as the big lead ball was hurtling toward their midst A sagebrush root was the only thing that saved Prof Cummings from being struck for as he stumbled and was falling the heavy ball shot over him within a foot of his head a p S Victor Bell captain of the varsity bosebaH team and Parker B Pratt the first baseman were Welcomed back to the institution last week after their temporary absenceS absence-S a s The announcement of the course of Instruction of the University summer school this year has been made The courses in general will be special courses for teachers preparatory courses and advanced courses The corps of instructors consists of eight professors and instructors of the University Uni-versity The officers of the executive committee are William G Rbylance chairman and R L McGhle secretary It is expected that the cool breezes of the east bench will make attendance at the summer school much more pleasant than heretofore In the old buildings S S S Miss Rose Vlmont critic teacher of the first grade in the training school assisted by l her auxiliaries Miss Bit ncr and Miss Seckels gave a parents morning last Wednesday A large number of1 mothers were present and saw the pupils go through their regular regu-lar class work of forenoon recitations S S S Prof Lynmn will address the district dis-trict school graduates of Flllmorc next Friday May 10th Mrs Mary Preston Moylc vicepresi dent of the University Alumni association associ-ation In the absence of President N T Porter has appointed the following alumni us a business committee for this years annual banquet Dr Joseph Jo-seph F Merrill chairman B S Young a J Stewart R L McGhle Miss Hattie Hat-tie Harker Mrs Frank Kimball and Mrs Lillian Horn 5 5 5 F L Peterson 00 normal visited the University on Thursday Miss Babcock went to Ogden on Fri day to attend a directors meeting of tho deaf mute school Agricultural College Logan May 3Dr W H Beal visited tho college this week and spoko very highly of the work of the station and the condition of Its records S 4 S Tho debating society will give a ball tomorrow to-morrow night at the college It has been qulto a while since a party was given by the slmlcntfl and the event Is awaited with great Interest 1 S 7 The Regular mooting of the Sorosls society so-ciety last Thursday was converted Into a social In the form of a surprise on the four members who graduate this year They are Esther Evans Almcda Perry Blanch Cooper and Mattlo Stover Maurlne by Ella Wllcox was read and a dainty luncheon served The girls appreciated the good will of their comrades com-rades thus manifested and the socIety realizes that It loses valuable members when those young ladles Join the alumni S V > Dr Moonch now of Ogden but formerly of Lcipsig Saxony and a graduate of the university of that place has been engaged en-gaged to occupy tho chair of modern languages lan-guages next year Heretofore German has been the only foreign language of fered here but French and Spanish willow n will-ow bo added S S S The sophomore qlrls entertained tho Bonhomoro boys Monday evening at a dellghtfiil party at the homo of Misses May and Ella Maughan The gay party engaged In cards and suitable presents wore awarded a S S Miss Mlnnlo Bagloy daughter of Mrs Bagley ono of tho trustees of this Insti tution will visit tho college tomorrow Miss Bagley Is a friend of Miss Mocnch and comes hero from Fielding where she has been teaching schoolS school-S S S Miss Richards will go to Salt Lake next Tuesday to bo present at the wedding of her brother S S S Mrs Prof Paris entertained the sew l ng club at her pretty little cottage homo last l Wednesday A delicious lunch was served as Is always tim case there e S u Two export chemists have been engaged to assist Director WIdtsoo In the station laboratories l Tim gentlemen are now pursuing pur-suing their studies and will bo hero to tako up tho labors next year a v U The dairy herd a lot of excellent cows aro Just being disposed of to make place for thoroughbreds to bo Imported this season S S S Miss Emma Baker of Mendon spent last Wednesday among her many friends at the college |