Show ORE AND BULLION Settlements for the Week Beached Over Half Million In the ore and bullion market the week closed with settlements amounting amount-ing i to 5513220 as compared with 309 275 for the previous one For the very gratifying increase the market Is In 1 I dqbted to tho return of the Bingham Copper and Gold Mining companys smelter from which Itg matte has again begun moving for not a little while returns from Con Mercur bullion that was produced during the month of March were deceived from the sub treasury in New York and placed to the credit of the company In addition addi-tion to the items that appear in the open record the Highland Boy smelter forwarded about 1SQOOO poundsof high grade copper bullion of the value of over 550000 while local buyers for outside smelters report the forwarding of ores of the value of about 10000 this swelling total to 5633220 The days settlements attained a total of 573940 divided as follows McCornick CoGold bullion 25 000 gold silver lead and copper ores MOO Commercial National BankGold silver lead and copper or 512700 Bamberger McMillan Gold silver lead and copper ores 59310 T R Jones Co Germanla bullion 0200 gold sliver lead and copper ores 8500 In the metal market silver ruled at 69U cents an ounce lead at 5390 per hundred pounds and casting cdpper at ITB cents a pound DalyWest Posts Dividend The directors the DalyWest Mining Mi-ning company yesterday postorl divi dead No 22 of SO cents a share or 545000 the same to distributed on May 15th when the total will reach 833000 while the company nas a surplus sur-plus of about 500000 with which to continue them Humming Bird Meeting The shareholders of the Bcrir Lake Copper Mining company owning the famous Humming Bird group of cop perbearing claims at Paris Ida niet In annual session at the ofllces of the Tarbet syndicate mto the control of which the prospective bonanza has passed yesterday afternoon and elected I elect-ed officers and directors Alex H Tar hot was made president William Hat field vicepresident and W G Ben ham secretary and treasurer these officers offi-cers with Andrew J Tarbet and Lind sey R Rogers constituting the board of directors It was decided at the meeting to begin active developments on the property at once these to be under l the direction of President Tar bet and Mr Hatflcld each of whom has devoted a lifetime to the diggings Dixies April Product The report of the management of the Dixie mln and smelter near St George for April shows the production of 101 I tons of highgrade copper bullion during du-ring that period The run which covered cov-ered a period of but twenty days San S-an astonishing one However as the I property Is passing into the hands of a new crowd to which it will be trans I ferred In a short time the order has been given to limit the production to 1100 tons of bullion monthly until the change of ownership Is I made Placing the Johnny From Statcline comes a well authen tlcated story that the placing of the Johnny Mining companys properties down there is being actively exploited the transfer to take place on the pay mont of 160000 To that end the pur chasing crowd Js now sampling the properties at which work Imf been sun nen led for about two weeks and as the llgures have been reduced since the last dicker there is a belief that the deal l will be consummated In the mean time the has company developed n most valuable flow of water In the mine and with 25000 gallons coming from It dally tho company has all that Is required to supply fifteen stamps The fate of the deal should bo known the present month Savior Company Buys Kanoali To the possessions of the Sevier Con Mining company upon Gold mountain Plutc courly was yesterday added the Kanosh mining claim owned by Charles t C Crane President R B Parker check Ing out the amount required to land It With this acquisition the company ob tains sixtyfive acres in the heart of the great goldbearing zone Charles Jukes of Monroe has also deeded several sev-eral pieces of ground to the company and work begins upon a fine quality of ore from the start The outlook for tho company Is full of assurances and the Scvlcr Con should be among the I next to require a mill I Strike in Margaret Having taken the measurements of a new strike In the Margaret group In terlylng tho Johnny and Ophlr mines at Stockton and of which he exercises the control Judge Grant II Smith re I turned to town yesterday more posi tive than ever concerning the future of that camp It was while prospecting beneath the wash upon the Margaret that the management recently uncovered I uncover-ed between four and lIve feet of quartz from which an average of 12 in gold and silver was obtained This Is now I being opened up and work will con tinue steadily In the meantime the main shaft has reached a depth of 130 feet and Is still dropping down with the next crosscut to the vein to begin at 150 feet i At the Onhlr Judo Smith vonnrtcs nn much as COOOO tons of ore blocked out with the management moving ahead on an average of ton feet a clay on the 400 foot level where the ore body varies from seven to twelve feet In thickness In the Wasp a very nice body of ore has been encountered some of It revealing re-vealing the presence of free gold The property Is owned by Mr Burns of Ce dar City To his original holdings in the Burro group Isaac Wolff of this city has Just added a fifth interest for which he 1 1 checked out several thousand dollars and work upon the proposition Is to be r resumed at once At the Wlllowvalc owned by Messrs Dooly and Drake the management la now opening up a nice class of milling ore In I the tunnel which l I has been driven a distance of EOO feet I while the camp throughout says Judge r Smith presents a most encouraging appearance I ap-pearance since the Ophlr crowd decided on the erection of a mill I of adequate I Capacity Tintic Shipments 1 The Miner reports the following shipments ship-ments out of the camps of Tintic dur ing the week Cars oCore Centennial Eureka i 45 BullionBeck u T 8 Gemini c Yankee Consolidated i Mammoth s Grand Central 20 Lower Mammoth C I Carlsa rt AJax 3 Star Consolidated 4 Tesora 3 Total 110 In addition to the crude oire the Mammoth forwarded five cars of concentrates con-centrates and one bar of bullion Mining Deed at Provo I Provo May 4A mining deed has been filed with the County Recorder in which Rasmus Nelson and wife transfer to S C Miller and T J Miller each an undivided onpthird interest inter-est In the White Quartz White Quart Extension and Panl mining claims located in the North Tlntuj district consideration stated 51 Going the Rounds i I W A Scott stall correspondent of the Mining and Scientific Press came in J yesterday from Colorado expecllng 19 make one of his regular tours among the mines of Utah wIthin the next ten days Mr Scott recently put in seven weeks covering the mining districts of Arizona where he says more than the usual activity exists in the way of production and development develop-ment He says The search for copper ore in that Territory is being diligently made1 by experts sent out by the great copper mining concerns of Montana Michigan Michi-gan and New York with the result that no meritorious copper proposltion has to waft long for a buyer Near Jerome Senator Clark and associates are extending their operations some five or six miles from the original United Verde at BrIsbe the Calumet Hecla combination are developing with great vigor an extension of the Copper Queen ore body at Clifton and Moiencl wellknown Montana and Eastern operators are developing tthe Shannon group and erecting a smelter and their work results in wldenlngvthe heretofore known copper belt The I newest districts are in the Dragoon mountains in Cochise county and the onto basin in Gila county At Wickcnburg half way between Phoenix and Prescott Is much activity attending the opening of new properties proper-ties and resumption of work on the Vulture The railroad line now operating ope-rating between KIngman and Chloride will be extended northward to conect with the Salt LakeLos Angeles line which will make Arizona points more acessible from Salt Lake City Speaking of Colorado operations he states The Cripple Creek production for 1901 will not vary greatly from that of lost year The greatest increase Is looked for Leadvllle and the districts dis-tricts surrounding Telluride Ouroy and Sllverton One thing I note is that a I vast amount of mining and milling machinery Is being sent to all the mining States from the great supply centers This also includes equipment for many new smelters and cyanide plants Nothing speaks better than this for the general activity of the mining Industry Alice Incorporation Articles of incorporation of the Alice S Mining company were yesterday filed I In the office of the County Clerk The t company owns a group of five lode S mining claims in Tintic district nnd 1 Is capitalized for 30000 divided Into 300000 shares of the par value of 10 I cents each Of these shares 100000 are S I treasury stock George C Lambert Is I president M 1 A Hughes Ig m vicepresi dent and they with G W Silks William Wil-liam T Knight and Robert Gorlinsltl I constitute the directors HE Cole of whom tho claims were purchased Is secretary and treasurer At the Last Chance Charles J Hodge owner of the Last Chance mine and mill at BIngham has returned from his Michigan home and I with some alteration and repairs at the plant will Inaugurate the season run Developments underground during the winter have been all the while on ore S of excellent milling quality and blocked out is a volume In which lead sliver and gold with some copper occur oc-cur to keep the plant going Indefinitely Indefinite-ly Mr hedge Is accompanied on his return by S 1 Harris of Chicago who will direct the operations of the mill with which l1e has had much experience expe-rience Lower Mamomtli OroSBodies Manager Simon Bamberger of the Lower Mammoth appeurr ln the com panys general offices again yesterday after an absence of several days at the mine In opening up the territory on I I the 800foot level Manager Bamberger says Superintendent Ball has now 1 reached a station under the main cave I chute on the SOO and that In running to It has traveled no less than thirty five ftct through an unbroken wall o Core C-ore The main body oft the 800 which has now been reached offered ever u Indication of opening Into a very pow erfur one the 900foot level whljo a carload a day has been taken out In opening it up At present the ore shows considerable copper as well as silver and the output will be stoadlly 1 i increased as the body Is opened up I j The new electric motor will be started I up about Tuesday Gold Dust From Ely The management of tim Ely Mining company of this city yesterday J celved tho first lot of gold dust from the mines and mill at Ely Nov andover and-over the result Is very exultant From the consIgnment there was derived as much as S 7000 this having been leached from about JM0 tons of ore much of which was of the second class The exhibit cannot but emphasize the merits mer-its 6t Ely as a goldbearing camp and encourage the Sapho and other neighbors neigh-bors In < their developments |