Show CONSOLIDATn N AUTIUnUZEDQ United States Company Increases Its Stock to 500000 < Shares a Total Capitalization of 1200000 toT to-T in the Centennial Eureka I 1 r TRIBUNE SPECIAL Boston Mass May tA I meeting of the United States stockholders was held today at Portland Me The directors were authorized to increase the outstanding out-standing capital stock of the company to 600000 shares making the total cap tallzatlon 1200000 Authority was also voted the directors to carry out a plan of amalgamation with the Centennial Eureka according to plans that are being be-ing prepared The whole matter will be fully settled at a meeting oC tho directors di-rectors next week pending which no official announcement will be made It has been stated that the exchange would be made on the basis of 1 ½ shares of United States Mining for one of Centennial Eureka in addition to which stockholders In the latter company com-pany would receive a cash dividend of 2 President Evans said tonight that While this was a close guess the details had not been decided officially at least The failing Oft in the two stocks has been attributed to liquidation by dissatisfied dis-satisfied stockholders who do not entirely en-tirely favor the idea amalgamation But the majority of the stock Is held by Insiders and opposition wlU not cut much figure More than this the terms of consolidation when announced will he foundentirely fair and just to both parties |