Show SPRINGS OF OIL Innumerable Number Found in Fossil Fos-sil Wyo Fields Ogden May IE 1 M Phelps and other Californians returning from the Fossil oilfields oil-fields in western Wyoming report tho discovery of innumerable springs of flowIng flow-Ing oil which has been determined to be a lubricant P L Griffin and S A Hubbell Hub-bell from Bakersfield Cal who have inside locations In tho district and studied tits t-its geology state that the oil wells spring < up through faults In tho formation Indicating S In-dicating Immense reservoirs of oil under heavy pressure I While the great rush of oil Investors has been IQ tho Piedmont district In which tho Aspen tunnel gusher Is located lo-cated the announcement that the test of tho springs Just discovered near Fossil shows lubricating oil has caused tho excitement I ex-citement to extend to tho new tlclds and claims fiid now being staked by many locators The Evanston Land office Isn month behind In tho work recording claims |