Show jrrm3n millet the bent for young 4pc at I Vogei r seed store I h TUlhcr1 trtnnd Vni5tS g n kind IrOW on Sale 65c each t tho 01 ° at ech i A rhach > Liquidation 1J J 1 Llrlldaton Sale Jr r hCh r I 1 Lrha1i ranch ggU 15c per dpzcnat iuth hal Uros Yellow Fr dfzen GI llCln JtlccL D t JlllZS Qlnd OrenrnG T Stlf1h ltt win It get you n tohnV 4g i with wih 111 1 I Removal SMQ G N TUIW ck Co I Photographic Supply Defclcrs We shall open our new store with a complete com-plete new line of Cameras Present stock at big discount bib I A Splendid Investment At a meeting of the board of direct I ore of the Utah Implement company held May 1 1901 at their office there being voted 149300 oC the capital stock of said company motion was made by the piesklcnt l that the company sell 510000 of preferred stock at not less I than par value drawing 10 per cent I dividend payable quarterly for the purpose of increasing heir buslness I The company desires to soil said stock in small lots to farmers sheep cattle and mining men who aro consumers con-sumers of the companys goods Applications cations received at once for said stock M B WHITNEY Secretary Mens Scotch flannel negligee shirts formerly sold at 125 on sale now at Sale Goc each at the Auerbach Liquidation Unexcelled I Our work on Shirts Collars Cuffs Flannels Blankets and Lace Curtains TROY STEAM LAUNDRY ICC Main St I Books and magazines at thep E O Rummage Sale Men fancy Madras l1Irlt the100 grade on sale at COo each at the Auer bach Liquidation Sale TourUcnd 1 Is well dressed If wearing a Miller Warburton Denney or SchobJe Derby Hat Sole agents BROWN TERRY WOODRUFF CO 166 Main stABle St-ABle Your Grocer for Hoynl Ztvicbaolr Pure food for children and weak stomachs Snll TxxVcj Ico Co The old reliable dealers In Pure DIs tied Vater and Park City Ice Tel 13 Red Wagons J C LYNCH Manager Tlio Mnultou The leading mediumpriced hotel of the city I Handsome Pattern SIn S-In Negligee Shirts Cut and fit equal to custommade I BROWN TERRY WOODRUFF CO 1C6 Main St Colored Fin de Siccle Fair The ladles ot the Flndesfcclc sewing sew-ing circle oC the A A E church are preparing for an elaborate fair to beheld I be-held at St Marks schoolhouse May The oC the I 27th to 29th patronage public IB solicited = = = = = = = = = = = I l A Sprained Anlslo Quickly Cured At one time I suffered from a severe se-vere sprain of the ankle says Gel L3 Gary editor of the Guide Washington Washing-ton Va After using several well recommended medicines without sue cess 1 tried Chamberlains Balm and am pleased to say that relief came as soon as 1 began Its use and a complete com-plete cure speedily followed This remedy I rem-edy has also been used In my family for frostbitten feet with the best re I sultK I cheerfully recommend Us use I irtmt to all who may led a firstclass lint 1 liii tu W 5rr T Tear f w a Fata n Only expectant mothers or those who have borno < e children know the full meanlnc o these woda i I Every voman chcuJdtoll every olharvoman atcu I t i i FXOTHERS fXJiFfllVMhat vonderTJ Kl f W If1GTHES Incident to childbirth t4 1 mont that iStopsJa 41 I tln 1 There la nothing like I I 1 > N JNOS 9RTOflo1IrIoc flCMyiTOOmDd1Cnt 4 h1n o or loL FriCd 11oule < onl b PC t btu bCf cfr e WI In hMrt IFr Dd f < I Ut S d OpcndtinltoMo wll nt by express c 4 W i r DnacW1 pll > receipt d price 910 ttjoV catllleJi MoiheiLocd < 9 > 1 i reep lct f for all Ages clthe sen cndrsc MOC IIUILIU > II I > orll o t I J upon appUiaUca Sudy oar fcicad Qdrcu 1 li If 7 THE BIV4JKCE5 nECUJLATOZi CO Atlnnta Ga j rrtrTf4 fViDl i > r i r o THOUSANDS HAVE KDNEY TROUBLE AND DON7T KNOW It i 1 L ILr f I Nll LLP = f i 1 ii jL1 JiuJi l I i i II ll I Ii I A t II i S iTTl PW W r i r c C9 73 2 4 taYwrc4 I = SWAMPROOT THE GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY its Marvelous Success in ail Kidney Bladder i Blad-der and Uric Acid Troubles To Prove what SWAMP ROOT will do for YOU Every Reader of The Tribune May Have Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail I What your kidneys need is r gGiitle healing tonic influence that will sooth their irritability and gently regulate them The only thing that will do this is I Dr Kilmers SwampRoot the Great I Kidney Remedy It used to bo considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were i to be traced t the kidneys but now modern science proves that nearly all ii diseases have beginning in the disorde of these most important organs I or-gans i The Kidneys filter and purify tho blood I i Therefore when your kidneys are weak or out of order you can understand under-stand how quickly your entire body Is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do Its duty I you are sick or feel badly besin taking the famous new discovery Dr Kilmers SwampRoot because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health A trial will convince any one Weak and unhealthy kidncys are responsible rc sponsible for more sickness and suffering suffer-ing than any other disease and If per I mltted to continue fatal results are I sure to follow Kidney trouble irritates irri-tates the nerves makes you dizzy restless sleeplesa and Irritable Makes you pass water often during the day and obliges you to get up many times during the nght Causes puffy or dark circles under tho eyes rheumatism gravel catarrh o the bladder pain or dull ache In the back Joints and muscles mus-cles makes your head ache and backache back-ache causes Indigestion stomach and liver troubles you get a sallow yellow oonvplevlon l makes you feel as though 3ou had heart trouble you may have Plenty of ambition but no strength get weak and waste away The cure for these troubles is Dr Kilmers SwampHoot the worldfa mous kidney remedy In taking SwampRoot you afford natural help 1 to Nature for SwampRoot is the moat perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys jfl kid-neys that Is known to medical science FjL J I your water when allowed to remain re-main undisturbed in a glass or bottlo t for twentyfour hours forms n sediment sedi-ment or settling or has h cloudy appearance ap-pearance It Is evidence that your kidneys I kid-neys and bladder need immediate attention nee tention The famous new discovery Swamp Root has been tested in so many ways in hospital work In private practice I among the helpless too poor to purchase pur-chase relief and has proved so success 1 ful in every case that a special arrangement ar-rangement has been made by which all readers of The Tribune who have not I already tried It may have a sample bottle sent absolutely free by mal f also a book telllrs more about Swamp I Root and containing some of the thousands thou-sands upon thousands of testimonial i letters received from men and women who owe their good health in fact their very lives to the wonderful curative < I cura-tive properties of SwampRoot Be sure and mention Thd Salt Lake City I Sunday Tribune when sending your address I ad-dress to Dr Kilmer Co Blngham I ton N Y I 1 If your are already convinced that I SwampRoot Is what you nee you can purchase the regular fiftycent and onedollar bottles at the drug stores everywhere I t I I i < 9 The I j ae 9V USiy9 I c t i I iJU Style 1 I I For the young men is capturing the admiration of all I the dress young men of the town Every young man that has the ambition to be up to date wants one of 1 these suits tables Here is one line that was taken at random fronvour Fancy cheviot light brown olive and graymix I tures made in regular sack and Varsity stylei5oo Also in the fancy worsted in the gray and dark blue small checks and broken plaids made in regular sack and Varsity style 1500 These cannot be duplicated elsewhere Richardson Adams I I I 172 Main St I I I E I I f 1tI o I + CLEVELAND BICYCLES A The Salt LakeilEdware Co0f I j The b nringsof f a bicycle are one of the most important < f > < and vital parts of a bicycle t 4 > CLEVE m LAND are one I bearings The famous ABIMjflC ot famous that uiitui S havo made that bicycle t I Iso I-so popular the world over Iot only is the material the best that I can be selected for the purpose but tho greatest caro is lavished upon it to produco absolute accuracy That this has been ohtaiued is easily conceived iTo inequalities or u ho hard spots in an adjustments i 4 ad-justments arc found in either cups or tones 4 I + x All CLEVELAND BEARINGS are so constructed giylug j n bearIng bear-ing so nearly approaching absolute perfection that rib oil need ba 4 used except at great intervals A A 4 i V I Cleveland Bicycles from 40 to 75 1 j Look for the Sign of UfeBlg Gun i t + + 1 I |