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Show ward M. I. A. officers for Sunday night conjoint meeting will be as follows: Chorus "America For Me"; solo "Flag Without a Stain", Mrs. Faye Beck; Flag ceremony, solute and pledge, Boy Scouts under the direction of Sanford Bingham; patriotic reading, Mrs. E. Ray Gardner; Gard-ner; speaker, Leo Nelson. The program pro-gram theme is "My Country". Third Ward Musical Sunday - m The Music department of the Thin ward M. I. A. will present- a musics festival Sunday night at their J.L ; . A. conjoint exercises commencing a 7:30 o'clock. The prcgram will in elude the following numbers: Two numbers "The Challenge" an "Carry On", by the mixed chorus. "Calm As the Night" and "O Fc the Wings cf a Dcve", Ladies choru, "H:w Can I Leave Thee' and "Le the Lower Lights Be Burning", Ma: Chorus. "When Irish Fyes are Smiling (James W.ig.-taff so'.oisO and "A Sweet- Mystery of Life", string er semb'.e. Vocal solo. Vivian Lee. Trumpet solo. Glen Gordon. "Forgotten" and "WaxmV In tr Shadows". Misses Eda Ashby. Rut Giddings and Bonna Ashby. Piano duet, Helen Devey and Rut Giddings. The program arranged by the Fir |