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Show Images of Abraham Lincoln ii.immi 111 in ill i im ; . ?, - --v mm umiMinMiMi-T I . vx t xx N N 1 i" t 1 ? x f x V x x I x x ' S x J I'1 " Xl V I xS I ; v -s 4 h vf f( u - - V w v j t . j x r - -i s& - v'x xe M v tl - vix" -x " Nt' swms 1;; ' i, - " x ? ' er SpringBeld. Dedicated In 1871 X. a 1 Lincoln, the Orator, by W. Granville Has- , , " ' " tings Replica of the Hastings statue In Cincin- V ' natl. Located in Bunker Hill. Dedicated In 1904. W ' rfT'i J.4V- " , Lincoln, the Captain, by Leonard Crunelle. I " " k " " Located on the site of the old Dixon blockhouse ' ' in Dixon. Dedicated in 1930. " " . ' v " 1 ' , f Lincoln, the Debater, by Leonard Crnnelle fr ' , ' . sv - I located In Taj kor park in Freeport. Dedicated L h v ' -,T in 1029. t' " ' V Lincoln, the Circuit Rider, by Lorado Taft. 'ff'Us 7 ! , ,VL J' Located in Carle park in Urbana. Dedicated in '' ' ' ' ' i""5' 4 1927. MiaiAto3iyA 4 By ELMO SCOTT WATSON "V W T"ITn the coming of February 12 I anJ the celebratlon of Lincoln's V 1 v birthday In more than half of I i- tlie states of tbe LTnion a,ld with V-VV'-f tlie observance of the anniver-. anniver-. fr-SK i . sary In various forms through-H through-H U I out the country, America will A f I i. have ample reason for remem-rvV remem-rvV r'nS tne Dme and fame of i'PyC T one of lier greatest sons. But it there is another form of remem-st, remem-st, brance of Abraham Lincoln which serves to recall him to his fellow-Americans in every part of the country, not on just one day of the year, but on every day. We, as a people, have elevated Lincoln to a pedestal, in the spiritual sense, a pedestal of love and honor and reverence. So from many a pedestal, in the physical sense, does the bronze or stone image of Lincoln gaze down at the people who delight thus to honor him. While it would be Idle to argue as to who was the greatest great-est American, if the number of statues of him that have been erected is any criterion, then it seems certain that Lincoln is that man. For these Images of Lincoln, portraying him In all the varied phases of his career, are to be found in 18 states of the Union, from Massachusetts Massachu-setts to Oregon and from Minnesota to Kentucky, as -well as in the District of Columbia. Proof that he has become a world-figure lies in the fact that England has two statues of him and Scotland Scot-land one. Of those In this country, Illinois, the state which gave him to the nation, has the largest number twelve. Curiously enough, Kentucky, Ken-tucky, the state of his birth, has only three fewer than New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania, none of which have any such special spe-cial connection with his life. Indiana, where Lincoln lived as a boy, from his seventh to his twenty-first year, has only two and both of these were erected very recently. One of the two Indiana statues Is especially significant. Among the many images of Lincoln are representatives of him as the railsplitter, the militia captain, the lawyer, the congressman, the circuit rider, the debater, the candidate for President, Pres-ident, the President-elect, the President, the Emcncipator and the orator. All of them show him In his early manhood and his maturity, and connected with the erection of virtually all . of ther-i was some element of public co-operation. But it remained for private enterprise to furnish fur-nish a new sculpture portrait of Lincoln and in 1932 the Lincoln National Life Insurance company com-pany unveiled In the plaza between the two wings of its building in Fort Wayne, Ind., a heroic bronze statue of "Lincoln, the Hoosier Youth," the work of a leading American sculptor, Paul Manship. But this private enterprise has done more in the establishment of the Lincoln LINCOLN, THE PRESIDENT fl Statue by Gutzon Borglum, In Newark, N.l fonso Victor Lewis. Located In the business m tion of Spokane. Dedicated In 1930. AnotlJ Lincoln statue by the same sculptor which 01 dedicated In 1918 stands in Tacoma. WISCONSIN: Lincoln, the President, by Geo E. Ganiere. Located in Burlington. Dedicate(JCre 1913. Jreat Lincoln, the President, by Charles n. )iSes' haus. Replica of the Niehaus statue In Mu:f,on gon, Mich. Located In Keuosha. Dedicatei:oou 1909. r, Lincoln, the President, by Adolph A. V man. Replica of the Weinman statue in Hod ville, Ky. Located In Madison. Dedicated Id ,meri Long as is this list It is not a complete in In that It includes only statues of bronze, standing among the stone images of Llncol'1 iySilxl Jra Ml 7- 5' fie: -vJtf 4 ' y - S x- 1 M f. . ; I 1 3 . x- ' I Springfield. Dedicated In 1874. Lincoln, the Orator, by W. Granville Hastings. Has-tings. Replica of the Hastings statue In Cincinnati. Cincin-nati. Located in Bunker Hill. Dedicated In 1904. Lincoln, the Captain, by Leonard Crunelle. Located on the site of the old Dixon blockhouse in Dixon. Dedicated in 1930. Lincoln, the Debater, by Leonard Crnnelle located In Taykor park In Freeport. Dedicated in 1929. Lincoln, the Circuit Rider, by Lorado Taft. Located in Carle park in Urbana. Dedicated in 1927. INDIANA: Lincoln, the Hoosier Youth, by Paul Manship. Located in the plaza of the Lincoln National Life Insurance company building in Fort Wayne. Dedicated in 1932. Lincoln, the President, by Charles Keck. Located Lo-cated in front of the court house at Wabash. Dedicated in 1932. IDAHO: Lincoln, the Emancipator, by Alfonso Pelzer. Replica of the Pelzer statue at Lincoln, N. J. Located in front of Lincoln hall at the Idaho Soldiers' home, Boise. Dedicated February Febru-ary 92, 1915. IOWA: Lincoln, the Orator, by W. Granville Hastings. Replica of the Hastings statue in Cincinnati. Cin-cinnati. Located before the Green county court house In Jefferson. Dedicated in 1918. Lincoln, the Orator, by George E. Ganiere. Located in front of the high school in Webster City. Dedicated in 1913. KANSAS: Lincoln, the President, by Robert Merrill Gage. Located on the statehouse grounds, Topeka. Dedicated February 12, 1918. KENTUCKY: Lincoln, the President, by Adolph A. Weinman. Located in the rotunda of the statehouse at Frankfort. Dedicated in 1911. Lincoln, the President, by Adolph A. Weinman. Wein-man. Located at Hodgenville. Dedicated in 1909. Lincoln, the Candidate, by George Gray Barnard. Replica of the Barnard statue in Cincinnati. Cin-cinnati. Located in front of the public library in Louisville. Dedicated in 1922. MASSACHUSETTS: Lincoln, the Emancipator, by Thomas Ball. Replica of the Ball statue In Washington, D. C. Located in Park square In Boston. Dedicated In 1S79. MICHIGAN: Lincoln, the Emancipator, by Alfonso Al-fonso Pelzer. Replica of the Pelzer statue at Lincoln, N. J. Located In Detroit. Dedicated In 1919. Lincoln, the President, by Charles H. Niehaus. Nie-haus. Located in the public square In Muskegon. Dedicated in 1900. MINNESOTA: Lincoln, the Congressman, by Max Bachman. Located in the G. A. R. circle of the Victory Memorial drive in Minneapolis. Dedicated Ded-icated in 1930. NEBRASKA: Lincoln, the Orator, by Daniel Chester French. Located on the state capitol grounds at Lincoln. Dedicated In 1922. Lincoln, the Lawyer, by Franz Zelezny. Located Lo-cated on the high school lawn in Omaha, Dedicated Dedi-cated In 1907. NEW JERSEY: Lincoln, the President, by Francis Edwin Elwell. Located in East Orange. Dedicated in 1911. Lincoln, the Statesman, by James Earle Eraser. Located in the plaza at the entrance to West Side park In Jersey City. Dedicated in 1931. Lincoln, the President, by Gutzon Borglum. Located on the plaza before the Essex county court house in Newark. Dedicated In 1911. NEW YORK: Lincoln, the Emancipator, by Henry Kirke Brown. Located in Prospect park, Brooklyn. Dedicated In 1SG9. Lincoln, the Orator, by Henry Kirke Brown. Located In Union square, New York. Dedicated In 1S70. Lincoln, the Orator, by Leonard W. Volk. Located Lo-cated in Rochester. Dedicated in 1S92. OHIO: Lincoln, the Candidate, by George Gray Barnard. Located In Lytle park, Cincinnati. Dedicated Ded-icated in 1917. Lincoln, the Orator, by W. Granville Hastings. Hast-ings. Located on the grounds of the Avondale school In Cincinnati. Dedicated In 1902. Lincoln, the Orator, by Max Kallsh. Located in front of the Administration building of the school board. Dedicated In 1931. OREGON: Lincoln, the President, by George F. Waters. Located In the park In front of the Masonic temple In Portland. Dedicated In 1928. PENNSYLVANIA: Lincoln, the Orator, by J. Otto Schweizer. Located In a niche on the side of the Pennsylvania state memorial at Gettysburg. Dedicated In 1917. Lincoln, the Emancipator, by Alfonso Pelzer. Replica of the Telzer statue In Lincoln, N. J. Located In Winkinsburg. Dedicated In 1910. SCOTLAND: Lincoln, the Emancipator, by George E. Bissell. Located in the Carlton burial ground in Edinburgh. Dedicated In 1S93. WASHINGTON: Lincoln, the President, by Al- P - " n E ae c J sea ? Re ifWii: ; ilhra mal j 0Bltm M mmmi wmMm: uar mMmm Mm&l l7i mgBmim - i .BiBMll For 1 iftifiiiii mM ! TllT!Z- '. on i f . k FIRST LINCOLN STATUE Made by Lott Flannery, it was unveiled In 1868 and stands in front of the District of Columbia court house in Washington. National Life foundation, under the direction of Dr. Louis A. Warren, a Lincoln scholar, and along with the unveiling of the new Lincoln statue this foundation issued an important piece of Lincolniana, a book bearing the title of "Heroic Statues In Bronze of Abraham Lincoln," by Franklin B. Mead. This compilation, illnstrated with photographs, shows that there have been erected no less than 54 such statues and gives interesting data concerning con-cerning the location, dates of dedication, names of the sculptors, facts about their careers, etc. From this source the following tabulation of Lincoln Lin-coln statues in bronze, listing them In the alphabetical alpha-betical order of states and countries in which they are located, is condensed : CALIFORNIA: Lincoln, the President, by Halg Patigian. Located In front of the city hall in San Francisco's civic center. Dedicated February Febru-ary 12, 1913. OISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Lincoln, the Emancipator, by Thomas Ball. Located in Lincoln Lin-coln park, Washington, D. C. Dedicated in 1S7G. ENGLAND: Lincoln, the President, replica of the St. Gaudens statue in Lincoln park, Chicago. Located In front of Westminster Abbey. Dedicated Dedi-cated in 1920. Lincoln, the Candidate, by George Gray Barnard. Bar-nard. Replica of the Barnard statue In Cincinnati. Cincin-nati. Located In Piatt Field park in Manchester. Dedicated in 1919. ILLINOIS: Lincoln, the President, by Augustus Au-gustus St. Gaudens. Located In Lincoln park, Chicago. Dedicated in 1SS7. Lincoln, the Railsplitter, by Charles J. Mulligan. Mulli-gan. Located in Garfield park, Chicago. Dedicated Dedicat-ed in 1911. Lincoln, the Emancipator, by Larkln Goldsmith Gold-smith Mead. Located on the Lincoln tomb, ABRAHAM LINCOLN Statue by Vinnie Ream in the Rotunda of t-7 Capitol at Washington. the magnificent figure, created by Daniel Cliest't Erench, which helps so much to make the lh coin Memorial In Washington the splendid ai awe-inspiring edifice that it Is. Then there Is also in Washington the flr statue of Lincoln ever made. Lott Flannery w the sculptor and it was unveiled April 1H, ism Just a little less than three years after Llncoia assassination. 6 Washington also has another famous Linco statue which stands In the rotunda of the La itol. It was made by Vlnnle Ream, a twenty-tw vear-old girl from Wisconsin who went to Was ington to study art and took a pos. tion " cPj 1st In the Post Onice department at $MH) a e to support herself and her father Clark Mi M the sculptor who made the famous rocking norj statue" of Andrew Jackson which stands nea the White House, discovered her talent and D came her Instructor In modeling. by Weetrn Nownpapw' Unloa |