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Show in Fredrick Aston Dies , jiwUwk Aston, 71. died at m. Saturday morning after .. illness. He was born May V in Enijlancl. He was a far-jxvupation far-jxvupation and has lived in l,;ou ward all of his life, viirj are his wife Mary Ann ,'iston and the following sons iiichters: Mrs. Leon Gordon, s xiiism Shumway Mrs. Floyd ,,r of Orem, Mrs. Bradford j;!)- of Vineyard. Shell and ton of Salt La.ke and Ray of Provo; also three brothers, Aston of Orem, Harry As-Salt As-Salt Lake City, and Elias 0f of Ernmett, Idaho, together 3 grandchildren. ral services over the remains "i old Monday at 2 p. m. in the -& fl-ard chapel, with Bishop : B. Harris in charge. A musi--ber "Rock of Ages" was ren-by ren-by Reed Hales, Iona Jarnian, H aid Jarman and Nona Bax-i Bax-i the invocation was pro--. by Edmund Cragun. A . composed of Reed Hales, 5, .j Jarman and Lrvin Wil-C! Wil-C! ,;d Leon Gordon sang "Jesus t- i My Soid." 83 ;)rt life sketch was read by a .i aughter, LaVern Gordon, gj speakers were Bishop David - :;ne A. L. Cullirnore, J. W. :,t .i and closing remarks by ;S; Stanley B. Harris. :':- : musical numbers were a Beautiful Home" by Iona ' ;nd Nona Baxter; a solo, :s Lay Me Down to Sleep" by Wilberg, and the closing song -ive Where is Thy Victory" ; quartet. The benediction :ered by Eldon Swenson. In- -:: was in the Pleasant Grove :7, where the grave was dedi-- dedi-- iy Bishop Stanley B. Harris. n |