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Show i Iji I It Is The Dollar SAVED f J! That Counts I ,t I N'o matter how iiun-h your business earns for you jj a' :l if in the earnings of this money a )Vv tlnars 8 ;d ! lve not been saved. Our Ketl Arrow Fast $ : j Freight with Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service !' I offers the opportunity to Save your Dollars : 1 - Salt Lake & Utah Railroad jj i . ' - R ,i .ii i.ij, . .i m . i. ii , re' I yriV. ; : M V i V ' ' : I'.raulil'wl ll.Witt sl'i;KAl)S - : Ladie3 and Misses HATS, Crepe or j. : I '""li'-V l;AIX ,'OA'l'S -'v' Felt Materials, Good Styles QO l i Cliildr.-n's I'.ATII I.'OliKS !s,. Now 5 Hats for VOL "; j Chil.lr.-ri "s DI.'KSS SIIOKS !'- - I : II,.,, vy FI-AXXKIi (iOWXS !s.s ' Children's Ib-avy SWEATFK'S HS.i j.j J ;,adv ;,.!, IAI'KI;S, C lor OH, ,!,ildre,Fs Spring SV FA TEKS (N, ; ; ' ,,,, , n Children's liI-0J.MEKS, 4 pair ti IjFXCIIKOX CFOTIIS, lart-'e sic fo t , Dabvs' Wool SHAWLS !Se ? : I - KNMXG SFITIXO, 3 yanl. for ..... 98 . ., r..,0, , J'.ovs A viator C A1S, 2 for Lle V 1'A I II TOWKI.S, fi for '." yn woo mixed 9Sl. H SL'ITCASKS DSo .' Men's TOILET and SHAV- AO LMATIIEK I5ELTS, top grade cow- h ING SETS, 10 pieces for onlyO ... hide, 2 for OSe f ; , T( )1 1.KT SOAP, 24 bars - SJBc ; , Men's SILK HOSE, 4 for OSe Children's BATH ROBES, Fancy Pi Hoys' ODD I'AXTS - 1 0$! Heavy Cottons, and ALL QQ Hoys' lil'HHER HOOTS WOOL, Big Values ! : Men's HOSE, wool processed 10 pr. flSe ()UTIXG FLANNEL, 10 yards 98c 1 ; Men's IIOIISEIIIDE CLOVES, 2 pr. 98c PERCALE, new patterns, 8 yards 98c J : Men's I-yle HOSE, 8 pair !c LUNCHEON CLOTHS, large. 3 for 98c jj Men's Silk HOSE, 4 pair 9Sc 1JATII TOWELS, extra large, 4 for 98c ft Men's Extra Heavy Wool Hose, Sl'lvlXG BLOUSES, 2 for 98c l - pair - 98(3 TERRY TOWELS, 10 for 98c N VACCUM .It-UK, 1 gallon size 98c SIR.IN0 SWEATEES, for young M i -men 98c j Best Quality Ladies' Flannel- QOp SlR1N0 aVPS' for me" "; 98e 1 : ctte PAJAMAS, big value 9C Men's SILK SCAEFS, values to ... $1.49 now 9oc 1 . , , . a VP rfi WHERE A ' am. pi7MM!?Y'Q nation 1 FORK a & li- ii SAVES g I 1 ..i.innia ! !! ...jj ijwpim iLiiiiii iiL.ii" .... . . . J "...."'l MAN'S HEART STOPPED :e STOMACH GAS CAUSE W. L. Adams was bloated so with gas that his heart often missed beats L after eating. Adlerika rid him of all " gas, and now he eats anything and feels fine. Wm. Thornton, Druggist. - - Embarrassing ...Isn't It ? . When someone says, "I'll call you up," and you have to say "Sorry, we haven't a telephone." It's worth the few cents a day it costs to enjoy daily telephone contact with friends, to save trips here and there, to know you needn't wake your neighbor during the night to telephone the doctor in case of sudden illness, ill-ness, fire, accident or other emergency. Order cne installed today. o The Mountain States Telephone & Teleghaph Co. t Lower Mortality - was the outstanding result from feeding XOPCO XX regularly regu-larly in all mashes according-to according-to hundreds of letters from poultrymen who entered over three million birds in the Ranch Feed Test of NOPCO XX It takes about 3,333 large cods to make 1.009 lbs. cod liver oil and 1.000 lbs. cod liver oil to make one lb. of concentrate base cf XOPCO XX. This explains ex-plains the fixed vitamin D. potency po-tency of XCPCO XX and why I it is rich in vitamin A. I FOR SALE At Tithing Office, American Fork, 1 utPh Honey in 5-Gal. csns and ' Home Made Molasses in Quart Bot- ;-ties. 2-2-4j ; : For Rent 4 roomed modern 'apartment on First South. Mrs. Annie Greene 12-15-tf- ti . CASH PAID , For useless horses and cows, dead -iones if called immediately. Phone , 680 Provo. 7-7-tI. |