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Show 'Complexion Curse She thought she was just unlucky when he caned in her ofce-avoidccl her thereafter. But no on. admires pimply, blemished skin More ami more worfe realizing, that pimp es and blotches e often danger signals of closs'f bof s ooisonous wastes ravaging the system .UtNR Nature's Remedy) afford complete .through eUminaUon and prompUy ease a way bcgut fining poisonous matter. Fine for headache, head-ache, bilious conditions, cluginesa. Try tiua saiej dependable, all- fecf&gj?5&Jfat vegetable correc- 6 iedjPM,, glv tive. P Q?? - ...- omck relief for acid "TU MS tion. heartburn. Only 10c . BILIOUS ATTACKS - Mrs. Emily E. Childcrs -i""s of 355 - 2nd Ave, Twir Falls, Idiiho, said: 1 6 - would Ret attacks of jaun- . dice and my skin would I turn a deep yellow, even v j my eyes were yellow, and V J I had pains in my right f side. 1 had no appetite J lost several pounds id J weight and had scarcelj ""a"" any strength. I would get dizzy spells too. I used Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and have had no troubto with my liver since." New size, tablets 50 cts., liquid $1.00. Cuticuralalcum Cooling Refreshing Fragrant and refreshing oriental 1 balsamic essential oils comprise the 1 medication of Cuticura Tal-' Tal-' cum. Instantly upon touching the skin these oils start their soothing ' and cooling work and your skin is nrolected arrainst irritation. L - f Price 25c Sample free. Address: "Cuticura," Dept. S, Maiden, Mass. JIG-SAW PUZZLES SPECIAL BARGAIN carton of six completely interlocking puzzlea. 60c postpaid. Large size, all different. Each puzzle 150 pieces. CONSOLIDATED BOOK PUBI1SHFRS INC. 537 South Dearhom Street, Chicgpo. Illinois Salt Lake City's I Jewest Hotel HOTEL t ri p i- is SQUARE 200 Rooms 200 Tile Baths Radio connection in every room. RATES FROM $S1.50 j Just opposxtt Mormon Tobcrnaclt ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. |