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Show Democrats Elect i Precinct Officers 1 A Democrat:?. Primary was held in th; city hall h?re Saturday evening- to el;Ct precinct and district officers. Frank B. Newman was reelect re-elect -d precinct chairman; Mrs. J. O. Clark, vice chairman; George W. Larson, vie; chairman, and Vilace Radmall, Secretary. L?.wrence M. Atwcod was elected a member of the central committee of Utah county to represent Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove Precinct. The chairman of the districts are: District No. 1 J. M. MacFarlane, chairman; E. J. Swenson, secretary. District No. 2 C. O. Newman, chairman; Leone Told, secretary. District No. 3 Lewis Olpin, chairman; chair-man; Mrs. Lucille Walker, secretary. District No. 4 Not yet organized. rt ' |