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Show j Pleasant Grove Locals j ; "..............,0i,t , Mrs. Karl Banks is at the L. D. S. .hospital for medical treatment. ' Miss Pearl Larson of Salt Lake has been visiting the past week with ,her brother, L. L. Larson. Lee and Glen Oler of Shelley, Idaho, have been guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Edeline Nelson, during the past week. Miss Viola West, teacher at the Junior High school, has been ill this week with the "Flu". Boyd Nelson has been in charge of her classes. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gillman spent the last of the past week in Salt Lake City attending the Farm Bureau convention. The Stake Presidency and High Councilmen and their partners are holding a social and dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Walker Saturday evening. The Home Economics club of the Pleasant Grove High school will sponsor -a dance tonight after the basketball game between the High School team and the Lincoln hoop artists. Among those who have been attending at-tending classes at Leadership week are: Pres. W. W. Warnick,. Bishop A. H. Adams, Weston Hales, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Halliday and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Adams. The Windsor ward M. I. A. officers held a meeting Monday evening at the home of Miss Rhea Gillman. At the close of the meeting a social hour was enjoyed and dainty refreshments re-freshments were served. A reception was held at the Ezra F. Walker home in Lindon last Sat- iace Lim spent the past week in Salt Lake visiting with friends ,and relatives j I Mrs. L. N. Jones of Provo, visited ; Saturday evening with her father William Blackwell. Miss Ruth Page of Salt Lake City, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Mary B. Fage. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kirk of Carbon Car-bon county, returned home Tuesday after several days visit with relatives rela-tives here. A dance was given in the Second ward Amusement Hall last Thursday Thurs-day evening under the direction of ward officials. A good crowd was in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright had a their guests Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gillman and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kellander. The Timpanogos Stake Primary officers were guests of Mrs. Laura Robertson Thursday of last week. After the regular business had been taken care of a social hour and refreshments re-freshments were enjoyed. The relatives and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. James C Peterson gave them a pleasant surprise last Saturday evening. A picnic luncheon lunch-eon was served after which the evening was spent in miscellaneous games and social chat. Twenty-five guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. North, Mrs. Morley and Miss Swenson of the Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir, gave several musical mus-ical numbers at the First ward Sacrament meeting last Sunday night. At the close of the meeting they were guests for an hour at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jacobs. The Primary officers of the Lin-J don ward entertained at a social' Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rafe Rogers in honor of Mrs. Edith Walker, who recently resigned as first counselor in the Lindon ward Primary organization, j The evening was spent in games and social chat. Dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. E. J. Swenson entertained Monday evening at a birthday dinner din-ner in honor of her husband's birthday. birth-day. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. j William Stagg, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leon-ard Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Tomlinson. After the dinner had been enjoyed the evening was spent in progressive games and social chat. urday afternoon in honor of Mr. Walker's birthday. About two hundred hun-dred and fifty people called during the afternoon and evening to wish him many happy returns of the day. , Mrs. Theron Whitely entertained at a social Saturday evening. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Wilberg, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boulton, Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Nielson and . Mr., and Mrs. Orin Smith. The evening was spent in games and social chat. Refreshments Refresh-ments were served. The Misses LaRue and Rhea Gillman Gill-man entertained at a social Friday. The evening was spent in progressive games and social chat. Dainty refreshments re-freshments were served to Utah Keetch, Neva Ash, Thora Hales, Bessie Lowe, Elvin Downs, Verl Kirk, Lloyd Gillman and Verdon Richardson. Jesse Walker had the misfortune to run lils father's oar into a load of hay that had been left on the pavement on Lindon Hill last Friday Fri-day night. The new car was badly damaged. Mr. Walker suffered severe se-vere cuts about the hands and face, especially on the chin. The load of hay was on a broken truck. The owner had gne to get help to move it when the accident occured. A car with bright lights coming directly di-rectly in front of him blinded him, so that he he could not see the load of hay. "RAIN" STARRING JOAN CRAWFORD COMING "Rain," the Joan Crawford starring star-ring vehicle which comes' to the Alhambra Al-hambra theatre on Saturday, Sunday Sun-day and Monday is the first of a series of feature films to be made by Lewis Milestone and advance reports re-ports place it unmistakably in the category of "All Quiet on the Western West-ern Front," "The Front Page" and other masterpieces of this directorial director-ial genius. Joan Crawford was loaned t: United Artists by Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer for the leading role, this being be-ing the first time a star of her magnitude mag-nitude has been let out by that company. And around her has been assembled one of the greatest casts in years, its members including Walter Huston, William Cargan, last season's Broadway sensation; Matt Moore, Guy Kibbee, Waltei Catlett, Beulah Bondi. Kendall Lee. Ben Hendricks and Frederick Howard. How-ard. As the title implies, rain provides the real background of the yarn. Rain, relentless rin falling for davs on end until the marooned company is driven near to insanity. And it is here that the picture makes one of its principal appeals. Heretofore, Hereto-fore, sound reproduction of rainstorms rain-storms upon the screen have left ! something to be desired. But the newest development of the Western Electric laboratories, called the Wide Range system, has been em-ployed for the first time in this picture with the result that "Rain" intro-ruces intro-ruces the most perfect sound reproduction repro-duction to date. i I Mrs. N. A. Jacobson of Orem, entertained en-tertained at a shower Monday -afternoon in honor of her daughter, Virginia, Vir-ginia, and Avelyn Richards of this city. About fifty guests called during dur-ing the afternoon and evening. Those attending from Pleasant Grove were Mrs. J. L. Theabold, Mrs. D. B. Thorne, Mrs. J. D. Fage and Mrs. Veda Conway. One of the outstanding) social events, particularly for firemen took place last Saturday evening in the Lions club rooms. The firemen served the lunch to the ladies and washed ' all the dishes afterwards. The evening was spent in misceflan-; eous jolly games, story telling and social chat. The guest list included Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Hayes, Mr. . and Mrs. Ray Framp-ton, Framp-ton, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Boren, Mr.' and Mrs. Vern Cullirnore, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Thorne, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Thorne and Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Walker. Mrs. G. Y. Anderson entertained Saturday evening at a bridge luncheon. lunch-eon. The tables were centered with bouquets of sweet peas and a most delicious luncheon was served, after which progressive bridge was enjoyed. en-joyed. The invited guests were Mrs. E A. Beck, Mrs. Lewis Olpin, Mrs. C L. Wright, Mrs. L. P. Harvey, Mrs. A. P." Warnick, Mrs. Elroy West, Mrs. Lyean Johnson, Mrs. Ford M. Poulson, Mrs. C. A. Garnet Garn-et Mrs. H. S. Richards, Mrs. Pearl Wadley, Mrs. H. P. Jones, Mrs. Le-land Le-land Clark, Mrs. Merle Coombs Mrs. Ethel Drysdale, Mrs. Karl (Banks, Mrs. C. O. Jensen, Mrs. W. ;L Hayes, Mrs. LeRoy Thome, Mrs. 'James D, Thorne, Mrs. G, L. ! Smith, Mrs. F. B. Newman, Mrs J. A West, Mrs. H. S. Walker Mis 'viola West, Mrs. H. W. f-J of this city, and Mrs. Hales of Provo Pro-vo Mrs. H. W. Jacobs won th. first prize, Mrs. Hates second pnze 'and Mrs. Coombs the consolation , prize. |