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Show Tri-Stake Sunday School Convention Conven-tion Feb. 11 Sunday School workers of this stake have been notified of a tri-stake tri-stake convention for all Sunday School workers of Lehi, Alpine and Timpanogos Stakes, to be held at American Fork on Sunday, February Febru-ary 11. The program of the meetings will be as follows: 9:45 until 10:30 a. m. meeting j For members of the Stake Presiden- j cy, High Council and Sunday school stake board members. j 10:30 session For Stake Presidencies, Presiden-cies, High Councilmen, Bishoprics,' Melchizedek Priesthood officers and ' group leaders, Stake and ward Cor-i relation Committees, Stake Sunday I School Board members and all ward Sunday School officers and teachers. teach-ers. .Ten or twelve General Board members will be in attendance and will instruct and take charge of the entire institute. At 12 o'clock luncheon will be served, prepared by Alpine Stake. It will be served for ten cents per plate. A display of church tools of teaching will be at hand during this hour. The two o'clock session is for the same group as the 10:30 session. There will be a short opening exercise, exer-cise, followed by separation for class work, which will be conducted by members of the General Board. The aim of the convention is to get one-hundrsd per cent of officers offi-cers and teachers out to the convention. con-vention. The officers will be satisfied satis-fied with no less than one hundred per cent. Sunday School will go on als usual us-ual in the wards on this date; conducted con-ducted by a temporary group of teachers. o |