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Show Mr. ar.d Mrs. Georg-e E. Abel have T ie.r: f.-.r a vis:: of two or three months w::h relatives in southern Idaho and northern Utah. j Ftr truck gardens, Liwns and flow- t (r gardens fertilizer get our prices cn chi-mk-ul fertilizer. .The best and j I', west priced fertilizer on the mar- I ket. Humphries. adv. f I Monday afternoon Mesdames Will- iam Chipman, Byron Crookston, I Een Moffrtt, Thomas A. Barratt. E Lvnard Chipman, W. S. Chipman ! and Clyde Thornton went to the J home of Mrs. William Thornton and I spt-nt the afternoon. Bridge was j played, following which a dainty j lunch was served. j ( Mrs. Hugh Cheever of Malad. Ida- j ho, is spending several days this week here with her sister, Mrs. Ted Gaisford. Mrs. Cheever reports they are all settled and the business j going along nicely in the bakery ; Mr. Cheever took over in that city ! last week. Mrs. Cheever came back j I to appear in the First ward play i in which she has a leading role, j i i Misses Lillian Wild, Beth Hutch-J Hutch-J ings, Bessie Kelly, Alice and Mildred I Hallsey, June Nash and Beatrice .Mcnson enjoyed a party Wednesday ; night. They first attended the show ! here and then went to Miss Wilde's - home where games and lunch were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Davis and daughter of Susanville, California, Mrs. May Kautzman of Butte, Mon-tana, Mon-tana, and Mrs. Hannah Snow and two children of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gillespie of Duchesne were summoned to Amerioan Fork by the serious illness and subsequent subse-quent death of John H. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Brown entertained enter-tained at their home Monday night, having twenty-four friends as Am. Fork Locals j Mrs. Fiiinui O. And(;rson sixint last, wci-kcnd here from Salt Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Steele. i Mr. and Mrs. Jo.-.cph K. NicholesJ S1 rif 1 two .sons and Paul Nicholas of j Prnvo were Sunday Kiin.sts here of j Mr. and Mrs. JiX'ph Nicholes. j Mr. and Mrs. Donald II. Stubbs ' mid cliildrcn of Provo with Mr. and Mis. W. It. Hansen and son, Ray, motored to Salt Lake Sunday and ..pi iiL the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bate are the :iiaily parents of a baby son, bom at their home Tuesday afternoon. The mother, formerly Miss Helen Timpson, and the baby are doing nicely. liishop and Mrs. Lot Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robinson and family left Monday and returned '1 hursday from a trip to Fielding where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Skinner, parents of Mrs. Robinson. Miss Florence Bodell of Herriman, who is .spending the winter here with her grandmother, Mrs. Hannah Rhodes, entertained a few friends Monday nisht, the occasion being tier birthday. The gilds enjoyed playing games and a tasty lunch wtis served. There were present Bi'th Tidwell, Ruby Peck, Maxine Hawkins, Leone Jensen and May Singleton. Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank Ryan of ! Salt Lake visited here Sunday after-'noon after-'noon with their son-in-law and 'daught-r, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Bush who have moved this week into the Melvin Anderson home, ! recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. ! Hugh Cheever. . i Mr. and Mrs. Hans A. Laursen, Mrs. Ada Baker, Mrs. Lydia Larsen, I James Chadwick, Mr. and Mrs. jMark Coddington, Mrs. Thomas Coddlington, Glen Chadwick and W. J. Chadwick left Tuesday morning morn-ing for Shelley, Idaho, to attend th3 funeral services of Mrs. Elizabeth Eliza-beth Chadwick, wife of James Chadwick, Chad-wick, Sr. Word was received here Sunday of her death after a short illness of pneumonia. The funeral services were held Wednesday. Mrs. C. A. Anderson entertained the members of the Bee Orchis club .Thursday afternoon at her home, j Special guests bidden were Mes- dames Laurence Briggs, A. B. Allen, Thomas L. Coddington, and A. W. Clyde. The time was spent in playing play-ing "500", Mrs. Harry Steele winning the club prize, Mrs. Allen the guest favor; Mrs. Tattersoll and Mrs. J. E. Chadwick the consolation prizes. Late in the afternoon a delicious lunch was served at the small tables. Mrs. Thomas L. Coddington entertained en-tertained the Sorosis Club last Friday Fri-day afternoon. A special feature of the afternoon's entertainment was the review of "Life Begins At j Forty" by Mrs. E. Ray Gardner and vocal solos by Master Boyd Codding- guests. A hot supper was served at 8:30 p. m. at small tables, after which bridge was played. The prizes were won by Mrs. Mate Earl and Ray Shelley. TWose biddlen were Messrs. and Mesdames Milton Adams, Owen Humphries Kenneth Singleton, Melvin Grant," Kenneth Brown, S. F. Grant, Ray Shelley, Clarence Grantj, (Rulon Nioholes, Harvel Bennett, Mrs. Mate Earl and Miss Lillie Shafter of this city; Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Peterson of Lehi. j Mrs. Martha Chipman has returned re-turned home after spending the past several months in Salt Lake with her daughter, Mrs. Fern Bodell Bo-dell and family. Mrs. Roy Steele entertained last Friday afternoon in compliment to Mrs. Jane Greenwood. The guests were Mesdames Rachel Hunter, Charlotte Greenwood, Emma Smith, Mary Ann Boley, Alice Steele and Ann C. Hansen. The afternoon was enjoyably spent in chatting and the hostess served a delicious supper. Time To Feed Those Starved house plants and ferns, and plan to fertilize ferti-lize your lawn and flower garden. Our chemical fertilizer will give surprising- results. Humphries adv. The fourteenth birthday Thursday, Thurs-day, January 25th, of Miss Maxine Robinson was the occasion for a party given by her mother that evening eve-ning at the Robinson home. The guests were Misses Maxine Taylor, Elma Robinson, Elaine Smith, Mildred Mil-dred Anderson, Ruth Harmon, Sarah Sar-ah Barratt and Delia Giles. They enjoyed playing "Stung", Miss Barratt Bar-ratt winning the first prize and Miss Smith the consolation favor. A tasty lunch was served. A birthday birth-day cake decorated in yellow and green candles formed an important 1 item of the menu. ton. Special guests present were Mrs, G. A. Anderson, Mrs. V. F. Houston and Mrs. Mark Coddington Codding-ton of this city; Mrs. Merle Coombs of Pleasant Grove; Mrs. J. O. Meil-ing Meil-ing of Lehi. The hostesses served a dainty lunch. The club will next be entertained Saturday, February 10th, by Mrs. Walter Devey, Sr. In compliment to their son and brother, Forbes Foster, and his fiancee, fi-ancee, Miss Ruth Gilchrist of Provo, whose marriage takes place Saturday Satur-day in the Salt Lake temple, Mrs. Emma Foster of this city, and Mrs, Clinton Larson of Salt Lake and Mrs. Leon Whipple of Ogden, entertained enter-tained at the Foster home here Wednesday Wed-nesday night. The party was in the Mrs. E. II. Dcvcy entertained the I.awata Club last Friday afternoon i at, her home. The rooms were dec-; orated in Valentine motifs, vases, of red sweet peas predominating in: the decorative scheme. Five tables' of bridge were in progress, Mrs. ' Grant Ingersoll winning the clubj prize and Mrs. Stanford Wilde thej guest award. The hostess served a dainty lunch at the small tables. There were twenty present. Mrs. Wan-en Boley and Mrs. Elmer El-mer Bate were hostesses Thursday afternoon of last week to the B. B. Ladies club and Mesdames Thomas j Friday, Walter Devey Sr., Thomas A. Barratt and Bert Timpson, special spe-cial guests, at the Boley home. There were eighteen hi all present and the time was spent hi the social diversions diver-sions of music and chatting after which a dainty lunch was served. Barbara Miller, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, had a birthday party at which twenty little lit-tle guests were present to celebrate her 7th birthday. They all played games -and had a good time, after -which they enjoyed ice cream and cake. A'.ncng those who attended the funeral services here Sunday of John H. P.ivis were H. A. Dittman. state vice-president of the National Association Asso-ciation of Letter Carriers; Mr. Hart-well Hart-well of the Salt Lake City post-office carrier force; Mi's. Dittman and Mv.s. H.u-twe'J. heads of the ladies BUNiliary of Letter Camers of Salt Lake City. The Ladies Literary club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Abe Gudmundsen with Miss William Thornton assisting hostess. A review of "Life At Forty" was given by Mrs. E. Ray Gardner and was very much enjoyed and appreciated appre-ciated by those present. Mesdames W. R. Halliday, West Hammond and J. F. Noyes sang two numbers. Other special guests were Mrs. H. H. Ramsay, Ram-say, Mrs. S. L. Chipman, Mrs. C. E. Young, Mrs. B. N. Christensen of this city; Mrs. Andy Trane and Mrs. Oliver Roberts of Lehi. A delicious lunch was served late in the afternoon. nature of a shower. Games were played and a short program was given. Valentine motifs decorated the home and were used in the lunch menu. Those in attendance besides the honor guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. Franklin Madsen of Provo; Messrs. and Mesdames Andrew An-drew Palmer, William Coolbear, C. L. Joy, Morris Young, James White, Ivan Foster, Eugene Weber, Clinton Larson, Misses Dolly and Marion Gilchrist, Henry Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Mad-sen, Mad-sen, Mrs. Alice Crosby, L. L. Noyes of Salt Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ken-neth Foster of Copperton; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forbes, Alpine; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greene, American Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Whipple and Gordon Wright of Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maag", Harold Maag and Charles Forbes of Vineyard. a Thursday afternoon of last week j Mrs. June S. Wright entertained the School Chums club and also Mrs. j Lia Buckw alter, who taught six of j the nine members of this club in ' school, years ago. Mrs. Hazel Shel- ley aleo was a guest. The afternoon was spent in sewing and social chat, and a pleasant feature was the reading read-ing of a poem, composed for the occasion oc-casion by Mrs. Buck-waiter. Late in the afternoon the hostess served a tasty lunch. A very pleasant surprise was tendered ten-dered Mrs. Betsy Hunter, chairman of the Third ward Sunshine Committee Com-mittee of the Relief Society, Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon at her home. Forty seven ladies were present and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent. A program consisting of the follow-1 ing numbers was given: Commun- ity singing; prayer, Mrs. Rhcda Parker; vocal duet, Mrs. Edna Boley Bo-ley and Mrs. LaDocia Wagstaff, composed by Mrs. Boley for the occasion); humorous papers given by Mrs. Fern Hunter and Mrs. Fannie Fan-nie Chamberlain; jokes by Mrs. Jesse M. Walker; remarks, Mrs. Betsy Bet-sy Hunter; stunt under direction of Mrs. Hannah Ashby. Refreshments were served. |