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Show Future Farmers Put Over Fathers ' & Sens Banquet The Agricultural department of the Pleasant Grove High School un-1 un-1 der the direction of instructor L. A. Clark, put over a very successful Fathers and Sons banquet and program pro-gram to about 140 guests last Saturday. Sat-urday. " ; The banquet was prepared by the boys, under the direction of Mrs. Rhoria Stagg. Girls from the Science department did the serving and the boys washed all dishes and left the Second ward kitchen in perfect per-fect order. It is interesting to note that in the three years the club .ias been functioning the membership has increased in-creased from 20 to 64 members. The special guests of the occasion were David Gourley, ,W. W. Warnick, J. W. Gillman, S. L. Swenson, A. H. Lowe. Seth Shaw, H. P. Jones, S. A. Kirk, William Partington and A. P. Warnick. The following splendid program was rendered during the banquet, with Principal A. P. Warnick acting as toastmaster: Welcome talk, class president, Harvey Har-vey Cobbley; summary of year's activities, ac-tivities, pan Peterson; instrumental music James and Howard Nelson; talk on Yellowstone Park trip,-Charles trip,-Charles Harris; presentation of Art awards given by B. Y. U. horticultural horticul-tural show, Professor Seth Shaw; presentation of cup won for State Poultry judging contest at county Fair, Dan E. Adams; talk, honorary honor-ary member, David Gourley; talk instructor L. A. Clark; duet, Julian Lowe and Winfred Johnson. The boys are to be complimented on the splendid way the yearly affair af-fair was handled. |