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Show BEVERLY HILLS Well all 1 know is just what I read In the naners. With old inflation riding the headlines the last couple of weeks, it dident leave much room for any real news I have read till I am bleary eyed, and I cant get heads from tails of the whole tiling. We are told that money to he any good, has to be backed up by gold. Yet there is a lot of countrys that havent got a five dollar gold piece to back up their other money, and they carry on their whole business of government, govern-ment, and have very rich men. Well how is that done? China has got 400 million people and 2 hundred million mil-lion of em never saw any coin but copper, and the other 2 hundred million mil-lion nothing more than silver. Yet they have existed longer and have the oldest civilization in the world. The whole of South America hasent got a gunny sack full of gold, yet the Argentine has some of the richest men of any country. We been on a gold basis since the boys started digging dig-ging it out of the creeks, and the girls started digging it out of the hoys, yet I doubt if we got a boy or girl in this country under twenty that ever saw one of our gold coins. We been on the gold but we been out of it for years and years. Our hnnar mnnov csirl "PflVflllle in Gold." , . but it should had under it m small letters, "Cant you take a joke?" That sentence "Payable in Gold" was like that other famous epitaph on money, "Epluribus Unum" "One out of many." It should have read, "One out of a scarcity." A dollar was supposed to be backed by gold, but there was only, I think, about forty cents worth of gold in the dollar, and if everybody had gone and asked for their dough in gold they not only wouldent have gotten it, but would have perhaps been put in jail for loitering. They say we used to have about three fourths of the worlds gold. Then France and England Eng-land (especially France) got it away as much as us. They say it was their withdrawals that drove us off the gold. Now we are off and got nothing to lose why cant we drive them off? Why dont we buy paper francs and make demands in gold, and let us read about our shipments of French gold to America? In other words why cant we work the same "Racket" on France that they did on us or are they too slick for us! I guess they are and they always have been. Then they say that a lot of our people peo-ple went South (that is, out behind the barn under the old oak tree and buried it) with millions: of our gold. The old saying was that if you got it ic gold, let anything come and you are all O. K. But Mr Roosevelt fooled those babies. He had a law passed that all the gold in America belongs to the Government so that makes the old buried tomato can counterfeit. counter-feit. Now the old boys are scared to dig it up. I will never forget one time I made a picture where I was fishing and found some money. It had been stolen and hidden, and it was all in one thousand dollar bills, and here I was and couldent pass em. Well just even in a picture it was annoying. Bo you can gee a rougu meu. ui. uican old misers embarrassment when their gold was announced to be null and void. Course if they would bring it in the Government would give em some paper money for it, but they are kinder shamed to let folks know they been holding out. Some outfit called the Federal Re-1 Re-1 serve Banks have held our gold, 1 now they are even taking it away from them. r n There is one thing about all these things going go-ing on now, and that is that "Something is liable to happen to anybody." So now the scheme is co raise the ance. That is we will say we got a third or twice Sl much more gold than we had. Its some say they are slicing the pie smaller, more gaests come, and we got to make eight slices instead of four. But the difference between this and pie is, that you aint going to get a piece of this. They are issueing doughnuts dough-nuts that are supposed to he backed up by pie but they say that more people will get a doughnut. Now will the thing work, you might ask. Sure it will work. We never saw any gold before did we? Well we wont see any now, so we have lost nothing. Now next week I will take up supply and demand, versus production and distribution. It wont take me a minute to mow right through that. We are living in an age of explanations, and plenty of em too. No two things thats been Jone to us has been explained twice the same way by even the same man. Its an age of in one ear and out the other. 1034, McVauxht Syndicait, Inc. |