Show Meet Mayor Wm BILL Bar ache rI eli Family h. h r f C j o i 4 r- r e Ft S I mob i. i i y F e t 5 t Y Mayor Mayo Barlocker I It is shown how with hi his hi wife Ruby Rub S Barlocker daughter Leslie Jane a 11 and d ton son George 13 U. Ten per cent tax decrease an affirmative capital Improvements program and a new look in St. St George are among the accomplishments of Mayor William A Barlocker the tho hitting hard-hitting Bill aggressive young mayor of St. St George Under his leadership St. St George is enjoying a new surge of prosperity industry en enterprise enterprise en en- and lucrative tourist trade Mayor Barlocker understands agriculture agriculture he he understands business He Helias has lias built ono of the nations nation's outstanding turkey enter from a meager flock to a flung far completely integrated operation He has reorganized and expanded the Bank of St. St George and the Bank of Hurricane May Mayor r William Bill Barlocker can lead ead Utah to bigger and Jetter etter a prosperity 7 Democratic Candidate n for Governor 1111 by br Wilton Utah f QUALITY Q VA LITY JOB PRINTING Tf TOE THIS l PARK RECORD JOB DEPARTMENT v ThI Way to o any mans inan's heart 1 J CAKE CAIE MIX Reg PREM L Lunch Meat teat can 49 C NOW Pillsbury Orange Angel OK OI CEREAL 27 Food Cake or Pineapple Pineapple- 3 Kellogg Kelloggs C Lemon Angel Food SHRIMP 39 Pacific Pearl can can C POWDERED SUGAR RAISINS 2 lbs Ibs Plump Meaty 2 2 quart MIRACLE wart WHIP 5 Minute SLICED POTATOES kg 37 C AJAX X TOMATO SAUCE Giant n 2 f for or 3 cans KRAFT OIL 57 Heinz CATSUP 49 C 2 bottles quart c ASPARAGUS 2 WRISLEY SOAP Dew DewDrop Drop 2 2 for tor bag SPRY SODA CRACKERS 3 lb can 55 N. N B. B C C. C 2 2 lbs Ibs C BROOMS 1 M 19 PALMOLIVE SPECIAL each 1 SOAP 25 Bath Size 2 2 for C MARGARINE 1 00 00 Sun un Valley a ey 3 3 lbs Ibs 1 Ns lIE 1 T c S. S FRUITS VEGETABLES F. F Solid BUTTER TT 16 69 5 ORANGES bag 69 POT ROAST GRAPEFRUIT lb 2 for X VEAL lb Il ROAST 69 Jt TOMATOES Carton 39 VEAL Rib A. A STE STEW Y lb 16 49 t AVOCADOS Large o Size t 2 for 19 CANNED CHICKEN EN Beet Beef Noodle 5 y 7 Chicken cans Blue Star 3 3 lb 4 oz can Noodle SOUPS Cream of Mushroom SLICED BACON Chicken Rice ib lb Turkey Noodle V V City Cash Market Inin Main Street Phone |