Show I I Takes Part In Army Exercise AUGSBURG GEI GERMANY tANY AAlf- AAlf AIl AH- Army Army Plc Nc It no Robert o b e r F t JU L. Wright whose wife Laurie live in Park City is le ached scheduled led to participate with other personnel from the Infantry Division in E Exercise Winter Shield at the Hohenfels t train r a i n lug Ing area in southern Germany Feb 17 1 7 7 Winter Shield an annual winter win win- ter maneuver designed to determine determine deter- deter mine the combat readiness readiness' ot of Seventh Be Army troops will provide provide pro pro- provide vide realistic training under aim sim simulated combat conditions The exercise ex ex- exercise will involve troops and will wUl mark the tho first time la In b history story that major units unite of the then n new w German Army AnDY will participate participate participate pate Jointly with US U.S. ground forces tonea in a field exercise Wright a driver In Company A A. of ot the divisions division's Transportation tion Battalion was stationed at Fort Ord Calif before belore arriving overseas on this tour ot of duty la to laMarch March 1957 2957 The old 24 attended attended attend attend- ed ell Horace Mann Man t School Salt Lake City and was waa employed employ employ- ed by Dy the American Foundry Salt Lake City CUT before belore entering the Army Amy Ilia JU parent paren Mr and oM Mrs Albert Wright UV live at 1601 1501 W W. ve Salt Lake City CUy |