Show THE THE THE- HI Eye Ants View By By MAC MACOne MACOne MACOne One of my favorite rite young Bothers came into the drug store while 1 I was standing there and ed for tor a pacifier I asked her Tier w wae 1 ore J Q h 1 aby by f tI and d she laughed and anti said tl U was wa l for t. t both th If H 1 It keeps kepa the baby from It helps helpa mb me Ie just as a I much MYCh the she he said After she left let I remarked in a i l reminiscent mood i I Ito I I 1 wonder whatever happened to sugar sops I Ii i Everybody under 40 looked a little startled But not Sylvester Heln Hefner Helner r He Is II even quite a little older than I am am They went the way of Old Bitches said Syl He lIe saw that saw at I looked a little Von u know what thai bat Is do you 1 I confessed that I dIdn't When I was wal a boy we used to wrap a big button Into a apiece apiece piece e of rag and put It Into a saucer of some kind of oil and andset set let fire to It and that pro vided Illumination That was was- an in Old Aid Bitch explained Mid MK Hernet Hefner Now Mew you'd oud b better bettel U I- I tet tetti felt ti the folks folka about sugar op p. p That plat hat was wu a piece of bt cloth wrapped tightly around a spoonful spoon spoon- s spoonful Oon ful tut of sugar sug-ar tied with string and dipped Into milk It made the best pacifier tn In history hl I t grew up on ort em Nobody under 40 0 could remember ber bet such lIuch a Il thing W WJ what S Several e e I a 1 of ot my newspaper pr ft lends have hate ha e been reminiscing In print l Int about the good old days when tl there re really winters winter Most of ot us agree that winters nowadays are ale pretty tame For Tor Instance Mary of the Reflex remembers beta bers taking a hot brick wrapped wrap ped In flannel to keep her feet warm In bed Mary was just a sissy A quick flip of the feet pulled the covers cOlier up from the foot of the bed and resulted In I If a. r cozy nest neet nut Hut Vary Mary wasn't ALL sissy I She nat eat on the open oven olen door of oC U tro tle kitchen range to dress In the morning Thousands tried that Few stayed long Many Many's the scar still remaining i And Trudy of the Murray Eagle writes very Interestingly of the big blizzards bUzzards In Nebraska when It took look an Hour to travel three miles b behind the snow plow I All of which reminds me of ofa ofa I Ia a Nebraska childhood when we could drive a sleigh for miles I In any direction over the In in- In- In visible fences fencel awakening In Inthe Inthe inthe the morning with the blankets In front of my face frozen absolutely stiff with the moisture mole mois ture of my breath and finding a narrow snowdrift two feet high three feet long In the parlor parlor snow snow In an night all blizzard blowing through the keyhole and the tiny crack In Inthe Inthe Inthe the door I Ah those were the good old days Dut But the best part of them themis is that we dont don't have t to live Uve them again Mac again Mac |