Show i t at ata a Glance Gla c M Mr Mt Shirley s dod of Salt City visited Sunday with ile her het In mother molher th r. r Mabel R. R Ln lara n. n ot Oth Other a t callers w were there re her brother r nt 1 rd Redden and ant dal daughter June also of Salt Lake Lako Visitors at the home of ot Mr and Mrs dra Joseph E. E Wilde during the week end were Mr and fata ius Jess Jeaa Wilde and family Mr and Mrs Mr Elmo Imo Ca Carpenter r Mr and Mrs Darrell C Carpenter and daughter ti all of ot Salt Sail Lake and Mr and ond Mrs Lloyd Wilde and daugh laugh daughter ter tor Pam of Vadis and Glen Rogers and children Burden Burdett and Leland visited visit ed cd recently with her parents Mr r. r and Mrs Leonard Clark un Mr Mt and Mr Mrs Fromme Shafer and Children cu are now DW getting comfortably ar arranged In their brand new De house bouse In td Wyoming The They moved mored there recently re recently from Moab Moat Moab the they spent event nt several yer l days In Coalville with her parents Mr Air and Mr Mrs C B B. B Copley Mrs Ada Ada Stark of Randolph vice president of ot the State ness nu and Professional Women's organization organisation visited S Sat Saturday a t u r d a y 1 with Miss Irena Redden to discuss discuss dis die cuss business Mrs litre Norena Norene Olsen Olean and three children of ot Salt Lake City were guest lath last at the home ft pt Air Mt Ir and Mrs At At Sale d and J U liy Mr and Mrs tra Jt port that their kran a Mrs Mr Ire Kenna Kerins Hudson l to Im improve rove It wa was reported re ra- ported bred last W Week ek that mother Another ther eon had taken them to eee her now How eVe ete ehi It was theIr heir son eon Preston Judd and ant Mrs Mm Judd who drove th them m into Salt Lake Sunday to tolee see lee Mr Sirs Mrs Hudson Mr and Mrs r Out Ouy Judd had bad visited them on Thursday 1 I Mrs Chris Edwards re reports orts i that her daughters daughter Mrs Sawley 1 Wilde has been ill III In hi a Rock flock RockSprings Springs Springe Wyoming hospital re r.- Her many friends here will be wishing for her speedy t are 1 mu J e T d 1 b s r t ti bo h ti r send nd d 1 Ml MAI Charles ChArle is t The Th l Spent nt several d day 11 in Salt Shit Lake while he had a cataract I removed from his Ills eye iye ye They TheT r re report port that he Is doing extra well I and was e even en able to drive drle his own cut car home Friday They havo have I been most moat happy ly to have haYe their many friends fiends drop 11 In While In Salt Balt Lake their headquarters I were at the home of a daughter Mr It and Mr Mrs Eldo HAlliday I Mi Mr I and Mrs DeVon Black Dlack of ot Woodruff spent pent the week end In InCO CO Visiting with their par parents ante Mr and Mrs Thomas Dlack flack and oth other r relatives Mrs Viola Mabey has returned return ed to h her t home in Coalville Coal after spending a few weeks in Los Angeles An geles gele California with her daughter daugh daugh- I ter tet and family Mr and lr GleAson Dearden and daughter l |