Show I SALE STILL ON BIG SAVINGS STILL AVAILABLE AT BULLOCKS BULLOCK'S INC f WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING IN NEW HEADQUARTERS WHERE YOU WILL SEE VALUES S SUCH CH AS THESE ELECTRICS ELECTRIC'S 0 0 r Buy now and save during GE Factory to You sale sate I CUBIC 11 FOOT REFRIGERATOR REFRIGERATOR- t FREEZER I i Q fi J o I P BIG FAMILY SIZE J TV r- r 30 30 Automatic RANGE ULTRA VISION 1 f 1 IK A. A II lit t Nw Hw N w high hh pw p d hoi with Uh lull full with uNIT TEMP A p pw w r 1 ate 31 sa OVIN OVEN 0 00 0 Nw Hw dim II H U. U OVI OVEN OVIN As I low OW OS as 3 Full u honl per P. P er week and l-and 4 velum 1 c r I OVIN TIM t AItt 01 Do Down t 4 y pulling pu 1 I 1 Reg ONLY II a pw le tens tess trade AUTOMATIC Re Reg NOW ONLY 2110 ruin ruml 95 Y 45 t- t NOW crl 3 V with trod 7 7 e 9 K att 1 nt o du o if fa 60 f 7 9 n t e if O 7 i 1 Uk reG fe o if t e 60 r r Vs V THE FREEZER YOU CUSTOM 3 CYCLE MOBILE MAID b s NEVER DEFROST DISHWASHER R S r- r I h t fj I r. r u WA 1001 i 0 ILO E LO WASHER Mud MHo i ur HA-ur P r with Automatic Go i c-i Gum FROST tD FREEZER BlIACH BY IY HANOI H. 13 HOLDS KOLOS UP TO FOUNDS S Modo SNOt oM 75 75 pw d A wr I a Al As low as 3 per Per week AL AI low as 01 3 pt week 1 IwI d 4 a 1 A AI toil e p Do D.- f hyrd r AI Alt D. D Do r y N. N N. N ec N I e loll I d AUTOMATIC on 1011 OMi HW HoIt NINA HIMA s tw Of I S I Sto NON UI I OUT 50 silo to 1041 To Ia CAf CUA A As low a os I per Week cola COLD WAn WAIlS WAIN KIT UY Nt 00 ID 0 ro W GIVEN AWAY PRIZES VALUABLE r 1 t FREE FR E E s t AT T GRAND GnAND OPENING t t I I. I V THIS HIS G-E G G E MOBILE MAID J f Vi DISHWASHER It To To b be bo given away during our GRAND OPENING SALE f at Our Store for Details BULLOCKS BULLOCK'S A tD u b. b I tr fa gg I WANT ADS I. I FOR RENT RENT- RENT room house houle gas gad I heat Phone 40 2 HAY F FOfi Phone i SALE Phon Phone 2216 22 6 Coalville FOR SALE S S room mOd modern tn home garage and two chicken coops To be moved d oft off pres present nt site Pot Tor Information see lee Alton Allon I 2167 27 West S South Hoy 1107 Utah or r call ll EX 3 Will sell lell all or part art 4 J r LOST LOST Pair Pair of tf f nib mad glasses Nt Ja Jt rase Please call Coalville 2314 4 NEED NEED 10 10 to acres with hay hayand hayand hayand and pasture fenced for tor or sheep with or without home bu buy or orl l lease nse Or need to run 60 50 ewes this summer s F F. F D D. D Eggett Woods Woods Woods' I 1 Cross AX 5 4 CARD OF THANKS We wish to ox express ress our appreciatIon appreciation appreciation to everyone for the comforting comforting com I forting words and acts ads of ot kindness kindness kind kind- ness during our recent bereavement bereave bereave- ment May God Cod bless each one Mrs Joe Candy Rowena Candy Gandy LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals proposal will be received od ed by the State Road Commission of Utah State Capitol Salt Lake City Utah until 2 o'clock pm p.m. Tuesday February 16 1960 and at that time publicly opened for construction of A Pre tress d Concrete Beam Structure O O. to 0 O. O in Summit County the same ame being situated on State Road No Weber Overflow Bridge 05 plus of a Mile orue West of the Junction with US U.S. Alternate Alter Alternate nate 18 as Federal Aid Project No S 5 2 The length of structure to be constructed or improved is miles and the principal items of work are approximately as follows follows follows fol fol- fol- fol lows Cu of Concrete Class A 5 6 Each Concrete Beams and ibs lbs of ot Reinforcing Steel The project Is hi to be c completed on or before May la 6 1960 See Special Provi ProvI- sion of bidders Is required Prior to any I bidders bidder's r receiving plans and F KAMAS S N I THEATRE TUEll THE I lamas Kanias Utah I Enjoy oy Your F Favorite Picture or ot j jOur I Our qUI New New W WIDE I D E Screen I Kamas Kamal Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I Jan 30 29 MONEY WOMEN AND GUNS Starring I Jock Mahoney Kim IIII Hunter I Tim Hovey Gene Evans Evan I with James Jamel Gleason Judy Meredith Phillip Terry L. L lions Bone it wll be ne ary that the bidder hafe fe w bIf the Hie with th the t le ad t eG n lelon n of ot Ut completed and ap tr J. J the he t re re- o hutted Pre Statement pertaining to contractors contractor's t ts t's experience expert Sperl- ence and financial condition The att attention of bidders Is III directed dl- dl to the S ct l Provisions covering subletting or ur assigning the COb contract tract Not tens teas than the general prevailIng prevailing pre pre- prevailing wage rates as determined by the Industrial Commission s ot of f I Utah ert effective July ruly 1 I 1959 shall Ibe be e paid to all laborers workmen and a d mechanics employed d on this I project I The attention of bidders l is ill ill- tt Tt te to the tact fact that this hip Co Com Com- million has been advised ed by the II e and Hour flour 1 Division US U.S. De- De tent of Labor tabor that contract t In highway construction construe tion work are required d to meet the provisions of the Pair Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 1933 62 52 Stat 1 1060 1 Proposal forms plans plane cross cross cross' I sections and specifications are re on file flIe In the office of the tie State Road Commission slon Salt Lake City where they may be bo reviewed by prospective bidders Sped lea fica proposal forms am and pla plans 8 nifty t 1 be e obtained b at l t th Commission Commis sion da n Offices i A af 1 aalt lib h may City tr upon application and p payment of ofa a It t fe tee of 5 50 h hd ha pUt part of which I will I W bd refunded Mach each Bach bidder must submit a letter from an approved surety com company any guaranteeing guaran guaran- tt teeing rig to furnish said bidder with required bond The rho right to re re- j H an any or all bids Is t reserved Cash h. aI c certified check ebeck ca cashiers cashier's check or ot of approved proposal gu guarantee guar guar- r- r antee bond t for ter not le less les s than lIvet live per t t cent nt of 01 total amount of ot bid made payable to the State Road I Commission lon m must u l e t accompany each bid as evidence of ot good I faith and a guarantee that that It If awarded the contract the bidder will execute the contract and furnish contrast contract d as to- to qui red Any additional Information may mayM mayb b M bet secured at the office of ot the State Stale Road noad Commission Dated this day of January Januar 1960 STATE ROAD COMMISSION OF UTAH C C. TAYLOR BURTON DUnTON Director of Highways Published in The Summit County County Coun Coun- ty Dee Jan 28 1960 r i T a it I MEASURED BY THE 6 FEATURES FARMERS RATE MOST IMPORTANT IN NATIONAL SURVEY y g. g POINT POINT POINT EW-POINT COMPARISON OF 1960 CASE TRACTORS WITH LEADING COMPETITORS OPEN B HOUSE DATE TIME FRIDAY JAN 29 ALL DAY M WILLIAMS GENERAL REP REPAIR Am STERLING WILLIAMS Exclusive Case Dealer in Morgan Summit Counties Phone Kamas Peoa Utah i WHY SO HOT H I Stop in at your Mercury dealers dealer's and you'll see why fast For where else can you get so much car for sO sa little littIe money For example the Monterey door 4 costs only 36 more than top models of price low-price cars Where else can you get a car so beautifully clean and trim for that matter so superbly built with every car tested road-tested not just spot checked U Ie Bind Baud on d r Wil il prim price tae lor 1960 Mercury 4 d din e w. w models modI of or low Ww name nam cart ors I II gf I I I t H I L I II t I THE BEST 36 YOUVE YOU'VE EVER SPENT This Thu pries a difference over the price low car CAf buys Mercury's 6 0 M E k CU Y more mote beautiful styling It buys a quieter ride 23 K R more Insulation greater stability 7 1 longer wh wheelbase wheel wheel- l. l base and extra quality See and try 24 more mora J G t. t Go advantages advantaged ea at your fOur Mercury dealers dealer's showroom LINCOLN MERCURY DIVISION Vl IW Or mi WALKER CRANDALL MOTORS l UTAH I |