Show I Marion I Hazel left Saturday i for tor Salt Lake where she will visit her son Jack and family before leaving for San Francisco Jan 28 23 where she will be the guest of ot her brother and family the Rex Bex She will continue j I her journey to Seaside where she sheI I will spend nd the next few weeks 1 with Allen and Verna Rafe Rab I Roy Lambert arrived home aa af after after a- a af- af ter a three day trip to Mesa Arizona He and his brother Harold liar Har Told old Lambert of Salt Lake attended attend attend- i i ed the funeral of Harry They were were held up for four tour hours II at the Salt Lake airport because i of the dense fog conditions The funeral was postponed until 5 o'clock as they were on the program program pro pro- gram graIn i I 1 I Clarence Claren e Jones and arid daughter I I Maurine Anderson of the reservation reserva reserva- ton tion and Parley Lambert of Bonita DonIta Bon Bon- BonIt It Ita a dr drove ve to Mesa All AU of Mrs br brothers Her lie were there I IBon l lEon son Eon Robert of Denver also attended attend ed the funeral Lor Loraine ne will stay stay I I I in Mesa and live five fn in the home J He lief eon J Ja Jack lives Ij S 1 tp ll L On On the flight Slight home borne h Koy rUt that the plane w was set let down dawD in Cedar City for tor three Gour our due dle to Salt aalt Lake fog tog Flights fr from m Calif California nt I ornia were unable to land In Salt Batt It Lake e to so took Utah passengers on onto onto onto to t Denver enver n Ronny email ton son ot or Mr and Mrs Mra Job Mt om of Salem Utah is III visiting l to t ta a week with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Harold Butler Mr Yr Otis Peterson flew o Cald- Cald Will wall Idaho and spent 1 Ck with his hie daughter Lain ut tar and ana son law Jim Wilde and baby buby daughter Jim is working at a I hotel for tor his sister and brother brother- law in-law Mr tr and Mrs Irs rt i Jacobson Jacob Jacob- I i son Ion Mrs Irs Mary and fidis oel ad Da Day are also staying th th the Jacobsons They rhey like it ft t very vert much and will be there il t l win will ter |