Show Certificate Of Merit To Park City H 4 Club The annual convention of ot the Utah Association of Garden Oaf Clubs held at Prudential Federal Savings Sav ings Inge Building Dul 33 South bouth and State Street Salt Lake City was highlighted highlighted high high- lighted by the presentation of ot I The Salt Lake Tribune Civic beautification awards Utah garden enthusiasts saw I the awarding of ot mor more than sixty prizes and certificates at the midwinter mid winter meeting Among the winners of ot a II certificate certificate cerU- cerU rl ate of special merit award were the Park City II 4 Clubs forthe forthe for forthe the work done at the Park City Cemetery Attending the convention to accept ac the certificate In in behalf of the 4 H 4 Ii Clubs were the following Mrs Dernell Bernell Kummer and daughters daughters daugh daugh- tel's Mary Lynn and Velma Joy who represented the Park ark City 4 H II Clubs These awards were made possible pos poe sible by The Salt Lake Tribune and the Extension Service of the I Utah State University The award will be foe placed on i exhibition so It can be seen by all 4 H 4 II Club members members' and and others II who ho helped make the the award award pos poe i sible I T The e J Park ark City H 4 Club members members mem mem- bers hers and their leaders are to be bo commended for tl this is very line tIne piece of at civic improvement i I i |