Show Emerson Staples Given Highest Honor in Utah Tuttle Award 1 s. s a 3 x t r EMERSON STAPLES Appreciation of the merits ot of the Summit County Clerk has now reached statewide recognition recognition recognition reco reco- as J Emerson Staples genial County Clerk of Summit County was chosen Saturday as the recipient of the MarK Marx J Award as the outstanding County Official of 1959 Lauded for tor Service The certificate of or award which he was given states Mark Tuttle Tuttle Tuttle Tut- Tut tle Award ward for outstanding service tendered rendered as as' as asan an officer in County Government Whereas J J. J Emerson Emerson Emerson Emer Emer- son Staples as clerk of Summit County has distinguished thins Mm- self and the public office to LO which he was elected by rendering rendering rendering rend rend- ering energetic and efficient public service to the citizens of his county and to his fellow county officers and the citizenry of the State of Utah and whereas by reason of the service so rendered he has been chosen the outstanding county officer of oC the State of Utah for fol forthe forthe the year 1959 now therefore the Utah State Stale Association of County County County Coun Coun- ty Officials has caused the name of J J. J Emerson to be engraved on the Mark Tuttle Award plaque as the ou outstanding outstanding out out- standing county officer of ot they the State o of Utah for the year 1959 and to have presented to him allaward an all award and tills this scroll as a token of recognition and appreciation of h his services On the reverse side it is stated Let me assure you that it was wasa a pleasure to serve on the committee com cuca- to review the records of cf the many fine county officials nominated for the Mark Tuttle Award Commendation 1 u to e es especially es- es due those committee members who traveled miles not once but twice to cast that one OM Important vote which enabled your committee to eventually come to a unanimous choice We found It much easier ensler to name several outstanding of officials officials officials of- of worthy of the award than to sele select t only one who Is to be beso beso beso so honored What we find in the winner might well be said ald of ot the several several sev sev- eral nominees Voluntary Work Vork The individual chosen meets the requirements of ot leadership ability efficiency in office value of services state wide and to his community and cooperation with other units of government lie fie had s several veral years In county county county coun coun- ty service his life has been devoted devoted devoted de de- de- de voted to the service of others he gives voluntary service t to varIous various var var- ious taus departments and bonnie boards within his county positive in his approach to the many problems problems problems lems arising from the discharge of h his du duties les Referred to by sc some mc as A n rare Individual dedicated to his work Ins His activities are beyond the call of duty as often as withIn within with with- in which demands extra hours hours' of work day In and day out He lie HeIs HeIs lieIs Is highly respected and loved by bythe bythe bythe the people o of the county regardless regardless regardless regard regard- less of any political or religious affiliation We have selected for fat forthe forthe the 1960 Mark Tuttle Award J. J Emerson Staples Great surprise bur sur- prise Emerson said but most thrilling moment The presentation speech was made by Arias Belnap and the tho theaward theaward award of ot of ota a Bulc Bulo wristwatch was presented to to Staples by Howard M M. Tuttle Tuttle in honor of hi his father Mark Tuttle who was the organizer of the first coun county official conventions and in whose name the award is 19 given an an- Mrs Staples was presented with a beautiful Bible with th the inscription Back Dack of every goodman good gooi man one always finds a good woman Most of the county officials from Summit County attended the three day convention Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day Friday and Saturday Special SpecIal Special Spec Spec- ial events e for the wives of ot the tho officials were attended by many of the ladles ladies of the county The presentation of ot the award was made mode at the banquet held Saturday night at the Newhouse e Hotel with county officials and their partners in attendance Staples reports that he Is deeply deeply deeply deep deep- ly gratified for fot the su support port of the Summit County officials and boosters who presented his his- name in nomination for the award He lie feels that all the officials In this county deserve the same saute recognition which he M received Staples was also lucky man manIn manIn manin In the drawing winning a beautiful car ro robe |