Show I WOODLAND THIS WEEK Speakers at the Woodland Ward Sunday evening services January 24 were Ferrell Vernal and Glen Jenkins MusIc was as furnished by Judy Ann Jo De DeJ DeI J I and Mary Lou Bisel i iI I Mrs frs Hazel Lefler has teen been t een in I ISalt Salt Lake under the doctors doctors' care taking a series of tests She is is feeling some better and is' is at 1 I present staying at the home of Twila Crandall Sunday dinner guests at Mrs Margaret Mitchells were Doris Dors Jones Tones and Lila Llla Wilson of Salt Lake and Mr and Mrs Mrs- Marh Mitchell and family Janel and Frank Lupo am and children Margaret and Frankie Frankle of Helper spent the week-end week at the home of Mr and Mrs Haston Thompson Mrs Gladys Olsen ds is i home tome from er iri the ho hor i and and andis Is feeling much Improved M Mid Lefler Lefler and children children child chUd- ren ren Mrs 1 ucille Fitzgerald and Mr MI and and Mrs Bo Fitzgerald and baby visited Sunday with Mr and anc Mrs Guy Miles Mr and and Mrs Wally Atkinson nf of Santa Maria Calif flew in January 21 21 for the wedding of Janice Atkinson and Jack Mit Mit- chell hlll They are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Victor I Atkinson and Mr and Mrs FerTin Ferrin Fer- Fer Tin rin Maxwell Clark and Celia Cella GInes of Heber spent the weekend at the the home of Mr and ami Mrs Ellsworth Cines Gines Marba Bushel Bushell and Eva Genes Gines spent Wednesday of last week ek vl visiting relatives In Salt Lake Friday of last week Marjorie 1 Norma and Katherine Atkinson spent a very pleasant afternoon visiting with Mrs Kate Cines Gines Visitors at the home bome of of Mrs Charles Gibbons Jan 21 were Mr and Mrs Albert Van Wagoner Wagoner Wag Wag- oner of Provo and Mr and Mrs Mn Willard Gibbons of Salt Lake Miss nobe Roberta a Morrisey Kind Kind- r teacher at Kamas El Elementary El EI School flew to DenVel Denver Den ver Vel to vl t friends over O th the weekend Mr MI and Mrs MIll J. J Owen Gibbons wept went to Salt SnIt Lake Friday to visit Ermas Erma's mother Mrs Charlet Charles Char Char- let leg Hallstrom who has been on the rick list The Friendship Mp club met at Dorene Watsons Watson's home Monday January 18 A sociable time was had sewing visiting and doln doing fancy work worle Banana splits and hot hat chocolate were we're served by Dorene Watson to Renae Re Re- Renn nae nn Cassey Anna Mary Hint Gnu T Lain Betty Detty Marjorie Atkinson and Erma Next meeting will wilt b bat beat bo be boat at Renae Casey's home Feb 1 Terry Black Dlack son of at Lois and andRay Ray Black Dlack of at Orem Is 19 staying with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Mrs' Millard Crittenden while his parents are arc In Denver at attending attending at at- tending the horse show Hh liis father Is showing one of his prize price horses Mrs Jane Gunn and dau daughter are visiting at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Leo Page They will leave about February 1 l' l to loin Carl In Portsmouth Va where he Is stationed Marvel Crittenden had a letter letter letter let let- ter from her brother Jack Jorgenson Jorgenson Jorgenson Jor- Jor genson who I Is back on the Air All AirBase AirBase Base In Africa after spending the Christmas holidays In Not Not- Not Not-I ham England with his wife and son ron After Arter his year In Africa Jack will be three wars In Eng Eng- land He Is enjoying his career in the air force I Mrs Kate Gines visited whir Mrs Emma Gines Saturday |