Show Experts Study Zinc Problems Miles lIles P. P P Romney chairman of the Emergency Lead and Zinc Committee left leIl Thursday for Geneva Switzerland where he will attend a meeting of ot a United Nations Notions metals committee as an observer and advisor to the US U.S. State Department The UN U.N. sessions are of In in- I I terest to domestic zinc lead producers producers producers pro pro- who through the State Department have been trying to coax foreign mine operators to reduce level of output to bring world supplies more into line with demand More than a year ago the committee announced members Lad had acted to reduce output Howe How flow e ever er theres there's never been any definite definite de de- finite figures released as to whether this was accomplished in line with announced goals Also these foreign producers late in 1959 announced they would a at this Geneva meeting take up the He question of eliminating the alleged cutbacks of or one and a ahalt half halt years ago The domestic industry meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile mean mean- while has placed its ultimate hope for Cor relief from Imports in Congress and the US U.S. Tariff Commission |