Show New 1960 Case Tractor Seen at Peoa Peo Jan J an 29 2 The new 1960 Case tractor line which goes on display Jan 29 at atthe atthe atthe the Williams Gen General ral Repair Peon Peoa Utah local Case Dealership I ranks first when measured bythe by by bythe I Ithe the features a farmer wants I I most most in a tractor according to Sterling Williams dealer I There will be movies enter enter- demonstrations and refreshments at the Peoa Peon headquarters headquarters headquarters head head- quarters Williams said Mr Williams says rays The 1960 1961 I I Case tractors give farmers tile best combination of horsepower price ease of ot operation price per horsepower convenient speed speeds weight weight the the six features farmers ranked most Important in a are are- recent re- re re recent cent national independent survey sur sur- vey In addition the 1960 Case lin line offers farmers greater horse horse- S I power In every pl plow w class plus plu a n choice of either diesel or spark 1 ignition engines In every size I LP LPg Lr-g LP-gaa LP g n m are m In all sizes Sex PI TO of tr U Ij Series Some models ls of the 1960 line provide provide horsepower increase over previous models of ot as much us as as' as I 25 p per r cent Dealer Williams lIam i stated I |