Show For Governor Governor- I Alonzo F. F State Senator Alonzo F F. F I 1 op- op p- p kin 59 rancher ranchel and veteran state stale legislator who has served 26 consecutive years In the Senate Senate Senate Sen Sen- ate and House has announced his candidacy for the Democratic Democratic Demo Demo- cratic nomination for governor Senator Hopkin twice has been elected president of the Senate has served two terms as chairman chairman chairman chair chair- man of the State Le Legislative Council and as majority and minority leader in the Senate A cattle rancher Senator trop Hop kin raises registered and commercial commercial commercial com com- mercial herefords His ranch Is In Rich County and summer r r range in Summit County He Is a past president of the Utah Cattlemen's having served two terms and for eight years has been president ot of Woodruff Stake Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Latter Saints if HJ Ib long has been active In local area and state civic affairs Senator Hopkin Is Is- married to the former Vera Taggart ft f Morgan and they Uley have one son |