Show r 1 rf J J F If l jC RO BOSS SS THE CO COUNTY COUNT U N T Y AGENTS A G BiN T S DES DESK K Lloyd Llord A A. A Clement Dairymen of f Summit l County recently turned out en masse mM e to enjoy A baked ham dinner and to pay Y l tribute to an outstanding outstanding ing dairyman Lynn Sorens of ot I Oakley lie Ke was presented a atrophy atrophy atrophy trophy for tor his outstanding worn worK as top dairyman for fOT Summit County during the p past st year earIn ear In Char Charge e of Meeting 1 The Summit County Coulty Unit Of the Cache Cathe Valley Breeders As As- Association sponsored r the dinner headed b by Amos Franson Chairman Chairman Chair Chair- man for the event with expert help coming from Ralph Franson Franson Franson Fran- Fran son ticket sales chairman and Unit Tech Technician ni nn cf-nn J. J Parley fancy Brown arrangements and Unit Committeeman Dean Boles Doles Park City Technician Elmo Hoyt Kamas Camas and Mark Matley Coal- Coal Ville U 11 e. e The First Elders Quorum of Ward prepared the dinner and served it flawlessly flawlessly flaw flaw- lessly and with dispatch Lloyd A Clement County Agent served Inthe Inthe in inthe the Emcee spot Beautiful musIcal musical musical mus mus- ical numbers were presented by Rodney Brown Drown with an accordion accordion accordion accord accord- ion solo An exhibition of close harmony and tone quality was given by a a ladies quartet consisting con con- stating of Jo Ann Sargent Lorraine Lorraine Lorraine Lor Lor- raine Vernon Jolene Brown Drown and Jean Sargent expertly accompanied accompanied by Esther Brown Unit EJ Election I Three men were elected to till slit the two year committee chairs Two of these men were elected eJected to remain with the third being a new member representing We the dairymen Unit Committeemen Com- Com ComI I emen now include e Ralph I Wallen Snyderville Alvin Pace Hoytsville Amos Oakley Oakley Oak Oak- ley J J. J Parley Brown Lynn Oakley 1 Max ax Bowels els Fieldman for I J I at Logan presented data datil I showing the rapid growth of t i artificial insemination In the j i dairy industry He also aloo ablY j pointed out results that have hac I Icom com come from this' this technique Production Production Pro Pro- j per per cow on average a test record record has has risen from frow I pounds of oC butterfat In 1006 1916 to nearly po pounds In 1959 He lie also presen presented r slides ides of t outstanding outstanding out out- t o standing bulk bulk available available for service ser ser- ser j vice at the association head head- quarters t f t and nd Seed School Farmers Ranchers County I Weed Supervisors Weed Committeemen Com Seed and Feed dealers deal deat I ers era and Weed Chemical distributors titers for tor three counties a will convene con vene cne in the Summit Count Courthouse February 2 am a.m. Rich Morgan and Summit Counties begin an all day session session ses ses- sion slon on the use of latest chemicals chem chem- chemicals for weed control and eradication eradication ca cation lon work Louts Louis A A. Jensen Extension Agronomist U Utah t n h State University will conduct the school and also report the results of at n drill box te teed survey surey conducted conducted conducted con con- ducted in 1959 In each of the I three counties countie Weed control tests plots will also be discussed to determine the success with various rates of at chemical applications ap RP- Information and trainIng training train train- Ing on handling of chemicals and equipment calibration will be given Riven those in atten attendance ance All farmers and ranchers having having hav ing weed eed or seed need pr problems In Summit County are urged to attend this Important meeting |