Show AaR S S' S H HEIt GOU G OU UrU N NTY TtY T Y A t Eta EN T 1 S DES DESK K Lloyd A A. Clement Dairymen of ot Summit County t recently turned out en m masse c to enjoy n inked baked ham dinner and to pa pay tribute to an nn outstanding nd- nd ing dairyman Lynn of ot Oakley lie He e was presented resent d a atrophy atrophy atrophy trophy for lor his outstanding worK as t tap p tt JOT Jon Sun Summit mIlt County during th the past year ar In Charge of Meeting Th The Summit County Unit of the Cacho Valley y Breeders As- As f the dinner headed by Amos Franson ranson Chairman Chairman Chaitman Chair Chair- man for tor the event ent With expert help coming from Ralph Franson Franson Fran Fran- ran son ticket Miles Ies chairman and Unit Technician J J. J parley futey i I Brown arrangements and Unit Committeeman Dean Boles Dole Park City Technician Elmo Hoyt Kamas and Mark Matley Malley Coal- Coal yule I IThe I The 1 Elders Quorum of Hoytsville Ward prepared the the dinner and served It flawlessly flawlessly flaw flaw- lessly and with dispatch Lloyd A I I Clement County Agent served inthe In Inthe Inthe I the Emcee spot Beautiful musical musical musIc mus mus- Ic ical l numbers were presented by I IR I R Brown Drown with an accordion accordIon accordIon accord- accord I Ion solo ealo An exhibition of close I I harmony and tone quality was was was' i given by a ladles ladies quartet consisting consisting con con- of Jo Ann Sargent Lorraine Lorraine Lor Lor- I- I raine Vernon Jolene Brown and I Jean Sargent expertly accompanied accompanied by by Esther Brown Drown I Unit Election Three men were elected to till flit the two year committee chairs Two of these men were elected to remain with the third being a anew I new mc member er representing Snyderville dairymen Unit Committeemen Committeemen Com- Com I now Include Ralph Wallen Snyderville Alvin Pace Hoytsville Amos Franson OakIe Oakley Oakley Oak Oak- Ie ley J J. J Parley Brown Drown Hoytsville Lynn Oakley I 1 Max x Bowels Dowels Fieldman for for at Logan presented data showing the rapid growth of artificial Insemination in the I Idairy dairy industry He also blY pointed out results that b. b have c come me from this technique Production Production Pro Pro- pro I per cow on average test record has bas risen from I pounds of or butterfat t In 1 1906 to nearly Marly pounds In 1959 He lie also presented slides of ot out out-I 1 0 out standing bulk available for tor service service ser vice at nt the ass head head- headquarters quarters W d and Seed Need School I Farmers armera Ranchers Rancher County I Weed Supervisors Weed Corn Com Seed and Feed red deal deal- dealer er tr and Weed Chemical distributors distributors ib- ib ibI I for three counties will conno conno con con- con I no M In the Summit Count Counts I Courthouse February 2 I am a.m. lU Rich Rih h Morgan and S Summit I Counties begin an tin nit all day session session ses ses- essian es- es I sion sian on the use of ot latest chemIcals chemicals chemicals chem chem- for weed weed control and caton work Louis A A. A Jensen Extension Agronomist U Utah Uta t a h State Stale University will conduct the I school and also report the results of or a drill box teed reed survey conducted conducted conducted con con- I- I ducted In 1959 in n each of the three counties Weed control ter tests s plot plots will also be discussed to determine the success succesS' with I various rates of chemical ap ap- Information and training training train train- ling ing on handling of chemicals I and equipment calibration will willbe be given those In attendance All farmers and ranchers hay hav haying having ing weed or seed problems I hav-I In Summit County are urged to att attend nd this Important meeting |