Show Lorene l McNeil is Is Home H me Makers l Head The Marion Marton Home Makers Club met at the home bonne of ot Florence llorence Mitchell Jan 31 21 j i New Now ot officers O were put in office Loren Lorene Lore MoNell McNeil preat- preat l neat Dent Norma Clagg CleR fret first vice president Laura Simpson second sec ond end vice president Marjorie Hardman secretary Thelma Butters chairman of entertainment entertain entertain- went want Maxine Peterson reporter The years work was walt planned lanned Secret Pale Pal wire revved d and ami new new S ret J rAYS nafi were drawn Crawn Ba Bach Hach h P ieL t Jl I. prated ad apron to h h r Soe Se M. lI Nea Jo Joyce oe Mitchell DS l t tb a eU 11 Florence tl p Norma orma Clegg aerY served two twenty tw tf in mem m burs The next nest meeting will be Feb 18 13 at at Maxine Petersons |