Show Receive Word of Relatives Death Mr Ir and Mrs Mra Melvin Melvln Dingle of Park City were notified Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day last of the death of Mr I Verne Rhoades of Sacramento California a son law of of Mr AIr r. r Dinglo Mr lr Rhoades passed away at atthe the t. t e Ve Veterans Veterans' raIs ii Hospital Hospital in fn Oakland Oak Olk land California after a two months months illness l ess there r r JI He lIe was the husband of Marion Marion Marlon Dingle f Rhoades R ites JJ Besides idea oJ th ld V Is Ja su sur survived by to tWo swap small children Mr MrA Ij id and Mrs Rhoades Rhoades del vi visited d dIn in Park City on numerous occa- occa occasions occa II sand and have hive many many friends here Who extend Js r sympathy to all members of the family |