Show For Governor- Governor r L Sheldon R. R Brewster Sheldon R R. Brewster 5 58 speaker speak speak- er of of the Utah House Bouse of Representatives Representatives Representatives Rep Rep- has announced he i would seek the the- Democratic nomInation nomination nomination nom nom- for governor His campaign campaign campaign cam cam- headquarters for the time being will be at Brewster's Seagull Seagull Seagull Sea Sea- gull Motel N N. 2nd West Mr Brewster was born May 20 in Salt Lake City a e sun bUll u in Benjamin S and Myrtle Hayes Brewster His IUs wife is the former Edna Leone Karren and they have tour Sour children and 14 grand grand- children Active In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Latter Saints he served 18 years as bishop of ot Third Ward two years on the High Council and is in his year as a member of the Liberty Stake Presidency |