Show i WOODLAND I THIS WEEK WEEKS 1 S Speakers Spankers akers at the Woodland Ward Sunday evening services January 24 were Ferrell Vernal and Glen Jenkins Music was WM furnished by Jud Judy Ann Jo DC De and Mary Lou Iou Bisel Mrs Hazel Letter Lener has teen Been In Salt Lake under the doctors care taking a n series of tests test She Is feeling some Ome better and is at present resent t staying at nt the home of Crand Crandall Sunday dinner guests at al Mr Mrs Margaret Mitchell Mitchells were Doris Jones and Lila Wilson of Sat Salt Sa t Lake and Mr and Mrs Marh Mitchell and family Janel and Frank Lupo and children Margaret and Frankle FrankIe of Helper spent the week-end week at the home of 01 Mr and Mrs Hasten fasten Thompson Mrs Gladys Olsen is home from the hospital and is feeling much improved Mrs Maxine Lefler and children children child child- ren ten Mrs Lucille Fitzgerald and Mr and Mrs Bo Do Fitzgerald and baby visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Guy Miles Mr and Mrs Wally Atkinson I of Santa Maria Marla Calif Calif new flew J in January 21 for the wedding of Janice Atkinson and Jack Jock Mit hell chell They are visiting at the home hom-e of Mr and Mrs Victor and Mr and Mrs Perrin Ferrin Fer- Fer rin Maxwell Clark and Cella Celia Gines Cines of 01 Heber spent pent the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Ellsworth Gines Marba Bushell Bushel and Eva Gines I spent Wednesday of last week visiting vii relatives In Salt Lake Friday dY of ot last week Marjorie Norma and Katherine Atkinson spent a wry very pleasant afternoon visiting with Mrs Kate Gines Visitors at the home of of Mrs Charles Gibbons Jan 21 were Mr and Mrs Albert Van Wagner Wagoner Wag Wag- oner ner of Provo and Mr and Mr and Mrs Willard of Salt SnIt Lake Miss Roberta Morrisey at nt Kamas Kamas' Elementary El Rt i I School flew to Den- Den f t r L rJ r t J f vet ver t to visit friends peer enet the Urt weekend we en i Mr arid and lilts lilts' ts' ts Jl Gibbons wen went to ta SaU oBan alt Li bake l k Ice Friday to Visit Erma's Ermas mother mothe Mrs Char Chars les Its Hallstrom who has been on the tick sick list The Friendship club met at Dorene Watsons Watson's home Mond Monday y January 18 A sociable time was had sewing visiting and doing fancy work ork IhM splits split and hot chocolate I vf fre re served t by hostess Doreno Dorene Watson W n to Renoe Re- Re floe noe Cassey Am Ama Am-a a Mary aim amI i Lain Lala Betty Scales Marjorie Atkinson and Erma Next meeting will be he beat heat at Renee Renae Cas vr v t home Feb 1 Terry Black mack Q a nn nr of ot Lois Lots and andRay Ray nay Black of ot Orn Orn Is t staying I with his t lW Mr and Mrs Mrs' Millard Crittenden while his parents art art- Denver artin in 11 n at attendIng attending attending at- at tending the hor horse t show Ills His father is showing one of his prize A horses Mrs Jane Jade Gum Gur wd and daughter are tire visiting at nt V- V home of ot her parents parent Mr and Mm Ms Leo Page They will leave tv rne ut February 1 to Join Carl m III n Va where he is Ig a Marvel Crittend had a letter Letter let Let- ter from her broths h Jack Jorgenson Jorgenson Jor Jor- genson who is bark back on the Air Alt AirBase AirBase Base In Africa aft rr r spending the Christmas he hohr hehr I c tys Lys in Nottingham Nottingham Not Not- England titi mth nth Ith his wife and son oon After his Isis yi yr ar at in Africa Jack Jack will be thre thre- wars au in England Eng Eng- land He Jle Is enjo enjoy lr rrt his career in the air all force fore Mrs Kate Gin sited with Mrs Emma Gines Clam Saturday |