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Show GOVERNOR APP5IITS ADDiTIGKAL OELECATES Nine additional delegates Lo the eighteenth annunl Niitlonal Irrigation congress, which Is to be held at Pueblo Pueb-lo from September 20 to September HO, Inclusive, were named by Governor Gover-nor Spry, Tuesday as follows 'Richard 'Rich-ard KoweNJUg Cotto;.v.ood. Salt Lake cfiimty, .1. V. W. Fitzgerald, Draper; Philip W. Mortncy. Salt Lake City; P A Nelson, Salt Lake Cltv; W. M. Hague. TaylorsvlUe; M. M Miller, Murray: O P. Miller. Salt Lake City, Hebei C. J"X, Provo; A. S. Rose, Farmlngton T'tah Ih expected lo have a full delegation at the con gt es::. fi |