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Show RANDOM REFERENCES We sell tho Hats of auch noted makers, as Piinlap. Hawe? and Stetson. Stet-son. There aro no better hats, FRED M. NYE CO. Return from the Coast Mart'n Cullen and wife returned yesterday from a elx weeks' trip to Santa Cruz and San Francisco. Call Allen, rnones Z2, for carriages for funerals and operas. Prlvat calli a rpoclalty. Also prompt delivery of taj-RS- 12 25th. Mrs. Fitzgerald Returns Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald and Mlsa Fltiger-sld Fltiger-sld returned yesterday from Callfor-rla, Callfor-rla, where they have been spending tie winter. Gt your Union Taclflc and Oreroa Ebort Line tickets at tho office In .h Opera House Block. Don't forco your-t-lf to stand In line ai the Depot For Sle Ola mata. Cood to put under carpets. Inquire Standard office Secretary Reynolds Home Mr. and Mrs I. L. Reynolds returned yesterday yester-day from St Joe, Missouri, whero they have spent the past threo Bionths at Mr ReynoU's old homo. Mr. Reynolds returns from his vacation vaca-tion with his health much Improved and will resume his duties as secretary sec-retary of Weber club. WANTED Clean white ra at th Eiandard. ' Advertisers must have thetr copy for tbe Evening Standard tho ovenlng bo-fore bo-fore the day on which the advertisement advertise-ment Is to appear. In order to lnsuro publication. New Government Printer Samuel House of the government printing office of-fice at Washington, D C, arrived In Ogden yesterday to take charge of the printing department In tho district dis-trict forestry office. It Is worth while to call 18 and ?et our rates on storage coat Shurtllff & Co., phones IS. (Continued on Pace Seven.) tomorrow. Films and photo nupplles for ealo. Tripp. Now address 2103 Washington Ave. W. H. Anderson made a trip to Wyoming Wy-oming towns :i few days ago. aniniiR them being Kcmmercr, and he says the coal miners are on the wr.ee of striking for higher wages. In fart, ho pays, It has been d Tided to rail n pen-crnl pen-crnl Htrlke if matters are not satisfac-torlly satisfac-torlly adjusted In that time. Dr. Fernlund wishes to announce to bis friends and patrons that he ha removed hl office to -410 25th, over the Utahna drug store. Peaches for sa'.v School for Deaf.- RANDOM REFERENCES (Continued from Page Five.) Every shapo of Stiff or Soft Hat that's correct can be found In our Hat Department FRED M. NYE CO. We, aro now receiving regular shipments ship-ments of large California head lettuce, let-tuce, celery, chicory, etc. Edgar Jones Co. Mrs. Ellen Goddard of 3227 Lincoln -avenue was delightfully surprised by friends yesterday afternoon. Refreshments Re-freshments were servtd and a good time enjoyed by all present. Heaton Klrkendall Undertaking Co. Lady attendant. lioth 'phones, 150. - Special Car of Morrpon Missionaries A special .car occupied by a number num-ber of Mormon missionaries bound for Chicago will pass through this city this evening from Salt Lake City. The missionaries will separate at Chicago and travel from that point to their various destination in smaller parties. Elberta Peaches are the best for canning; great big fine ones. $1.25 a bushel at Edgar Jones Co. Chief Clerk George W. Pagett of the O. S. L. signal service has gone to Cheyenne. Wyoming, to spend a week with his father and visit the frontier exposition. Good girls wanted at Shupe-WII-liams Candy Factory. Prays for Divorce Alice Landls has commenced suit for divorce against her husband. William R, Landls. The parties were married at Ogden, June 20, 1S&C. there being five children, issue is-sue of tho marrlogf. Regular shipments of Morgan cauliflower cauli-flower now being received by Edgar Jone3 Co. 100 loads dirt wanted at the Fair Grounds. See H. M. Rowo. over the Standard office. Think twice and act once. Iiuy H. & G. Butter. - j YOUR CHOICE or any trimmed hat from summer stock, $1.98. La Mode M.lllnery. MOVED from 3rt0 2Hh tl. to 2438 Wash. Ave. Expert Kodak , Finishing. Leave your films today and get your prints |