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Show DOINGS IN POLICE -COURT Police court ca.-.es were handled vrlth au unusual rapidity thla morn-.' Idk to make way for tho pauihlinK house hearing and as fast as Municipal Muni-cipal Clerk Fulton muld reel off (he names of the defendants their cases were dispose! of. Frank Smith, charged with vagrancy, vag-rancy, pleaded guilt v and was fined $10. Sam Miller, unlawfully drunk, said guilty and was ajicssed ?o or five days. James Watts al;o answered gulltv to the charge of unlawful drunkenness drunken-ness and was fined $.i or five day. Watts Is a cripple and pleaded that yesterday was his birthday and that he was merely celebrating the event. Judge Murphy seemed Inclined to be-llovo be-llovo that man should have a right to celebrate his birthday In th manner man-ner that seemed most fitting to his Individual tustes and suspended Watts' sentence. With a ' thank you, Judge," Watts hobbled from tho court loom. Evan n.eee after pleading guilty to the charge of drunkenness was fined J5 or five days. John Doe Nichols, charged with assault as-sault and batter l.v William Mitchell pleaded not guilty and his hearing was continued Mike Meadana, charged with 'petit larceny, forfeited $5 ball by not putting put-ting hi his appearance for trial. J. L. Alvord, i&r being drunk, anJ Jamc-s Liurk, for cruelty to animals, each forfeited ball to the- amount of $5. John Kelly after some hesitation said that he was guilty of 6teallnq a water melon from In front of Ken-rfdy's Ken-rfdy's restaurant yesterday afternoon and the jndge lined the man $1 or ono (!ay In prison. The man on the bench smiled after he had passed sentenco and paid that had the water melon thief been a colored man he would have suspended the srntence. It teemed to be the anomaly of tho crime that caused the court to Inflict In-flict the heavy penalty on the offender. |