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Show CARBONATE HILL MINING CO. Location of-rlnclpa Place of Bus-" Bus-" Iiicss, Oj-drn, ULth. NOTICE There arc delinquent 11 p-zen p-zen the following described stock, on account of assessment levied on the 5lh day of July, 1910, the several amounts set opposite the numes of the respective shareholders ;i& follows fol-lows Names. No. of Cert. Shrs. Amt. P .McCarthy ! 1,000 ? 10.00 W. J. Carroll 34 250 2 50 , W. J. Carroll 155 25' 2M NL B. Burke 37 400 4.11 0 ( R." M Cobban 39 50i 5 00 ' O. W. Moyle 52 l.Ono 10.00 I C. E. France 55 2,Hw 20.00! R. M Cobban 80 l.noo 10.00 : R. M. Cobban 81 I. MOO 10.00 R. M. Cobban S2 1,000 100' 1 , r A Kennedy 84 15u l.Rii ' Jerrv Mulllna 91 2,55; 25.5(1 , Jerry Mulllna 92 2.500 25 00 : C. E. Franco 101 3.000 Jin 00 ' C. E France 10S l.ooo 10.00 I ('. E France lu9 1.000 10.00 Anna A Haskett. . .133 1.000 10.00 Mrs-C-A. McCarthy . .257 1.000 10..I0 James S Casey 200 2,000 20.00 A. F. Rlee.. 27S 1.000 10.00, R. M Cobban 2S2 2,500 25.00 A. F. Rice 283 1,000 10 00 j J. A Henshaw. . . . .385 500 R.0O j J A. Henshaw 3Kt. 500 5.00: P. McCarthy 390 500 5.00 1 Jerry Mulling." 39G 5.000 50.00 i Henry BaxtlMt 413 1.0.V1 10 00 J. H. Moloney 417 1,000 10 00 1 Henry Bartlett 418 1,000 10.00 Henrv Bartlett : 419 1.000 10.0 ) i Henry Bartlett 420 1,000 10.00 J A. Henshaw..: .430 1.000 10 00 P. McCarthy 432 50u 5.00 L. A. Mav 433 500 5.00 L. A. May 434 500 5.00 A. F. Rice 441 1.000 10 00 A. F. Rice 442 500 5.00 H. L. KlocK 447 300 11.00 II L Klock 448 200 2.00 Nora Burke 450 1,500 15 00 Jus. D Sullivan 451 1,350 13.50 W. J. Carroll 453 500 5.00 F. A. Cftrroll 454 500 '0 01 M. B. Burke 458 400 4.00 T. J Kelly 462 1,000 10 00 Mrs. Edith Malonev 4S'5 1,000 10 00 Mrs Edith Maloney 487 1.000 10.00 Henr Bartlett 497 5.00 5 0o Mary" Cotter 151 241 2.41 Mrs. Ellen E. Cannon Can-non 155 9C2 9.62 Chas. F. McCreary.lG2 403 4 03 las. H. McCreary.,183 40"J 4 03 m. W. McCreary.164 403 4.03 John A. McCreary 1C5 403 4.01 Emmet H.McCreary ICG 403 4. .13 Mary B. Shelby. ... 167 404 4.04 Mary A. Doxon ICS 403 4 03 W. H. De Franco... 1C9 282 2.S2 Chas. B Keller 170 2S2 2 82 Eleazer Wakeley . . .171 282 2 82 Geo. W. Doane .172 2S2 2.82, Arthur C. Wakeley. 173 284 2.84 1 E.M West &. Co..l7G 1,000 10 00, C. C Dye 1S7 1.000 10.00 , Axcrl H. Olsen 190 500 5 00; And In accordance with law, and the I resolution of the tonrd of directors j mnde on the sold 5th day of Julv, 1910, 1 sn many shareB of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary, will be sold at the office of said company, rooms 519 and 520, First National Bank Building. Ogden, Utah, on tho j 10th day of September. 1910, at the , hour of noon, to pay delinquent a6- i se?sments thereon, together with the costs of advertising and expenses of the Kale. T. D. JOHNSON. Secretary. Office, rooms 519-20. First National Bank Bldg.. Ogden. Utah. |