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Show When you buy Bread, insist upon the Best and Cleanest. HESS BREAD For your protection our name on every Loaf. At all conscientious dealers. Accept no substitute. I This Remarkable Sale Closes Satur- i y day Night . . - I Just 3 Short Days More ,of I I Would it not be prudent for you to read this entire list 1 of Rummage Stock ? ) k 1.75 Laces 17c Ladies' Wash Suits, Half Price for Ladies J&&?Z&'Z ) S leftover laces. Appliques. Me- WOrtll tO $7, for HrPWPQ Kc S p dalllons and trimmings. Cream qo Sugar Dowls, Wc values 25c s black or white; values sold regu- v."0 .lust one-half ot the regular price c,l" nnd Queers, 25e val.. 10c ( S 'rl' P t 17c Of Our entire Stock of wash 'or an' .' lh colored or white Tlnch Dinner Plate,. $1.23 set ,TAo u re , ,t r dresses The regular prices are suie prices eacn izc S C EMBROIDERIES SiUtS thero are 75 left from from $u to $25.00. These are all C-ih plates which were $1.00 a 7 t the season's selling That the ihls reason s styles, some of the scl arp now. each 8c S YalUeS tO 5UC 15C lot Should be sold out complete- materials are French Repp. Irish C inch Vegetable Dishes, oval or J i Jy we offer what remams at YSLSSSSS 5tfi "2i"ii;'S id the aisle both edges and lner. two prices. laces or embroideries Second 25c a set. now, each 1o Hons from 1 to 12 inches wide LOT 1. Consisting of the suits floor 7-lneh Vegetable Dishes, oval or J C the former prices range to 50e a which were priced up to $7.00. the ' round, 30e values 17c S yard wo will sell what remains colors are natural, pink, blue, rose, R 11 mmnCP TpWpItV 7-Inch Nappies. 20C values 10c 5 at .15c lavender, and white plain tailor- iv""na J Tickle Dishes. 25c regular. .14c XT CT n'UU - .ed and lace trimmed at $2.98 Japanese Collapsible Fans, 10C 5.,nrn meat r,,atlenJi 3rc Val.17e S iNO. D KlDDOnS 1C LOT 2. Consists of the suit values 4c 12-inch meat plotters. 75c val 38c ? Red white brown and navv are which were priced up to $10.5n. and " Children-s Coral bnake Drace- 10-inch meat platters, 45c val 25c S the co'lors In' this Rummage lot of ;a' he generally described as the lets 0c values . . .4c i i-indi meat platter. $1 xal 53c C ribbons the width is 'o R and ,ot mentioned above choice of Brilliant Hat lins, worth to $1. icinch meat platters, $1.25 i thev were offered In 'the Summer these "may be had for $4.93 . to case out . . 48c vMll08 6JJc 3 S Sale at 5c-Now we dose them If alleratlous are needed we Other limited lines of Jewelry Saure P,oa,fl 3.jC v3,ug 17c S out at a vard 2c make any alteration for $1.00. will be placed on the counters at Covered Casseroles and Tureens. r 1 1 -p vcry sma 1 I)rlcos- $1 5 alues 58 ? 1 2-00 Shirt Waists to WfJfJ Rummage Drug LTZli ? ClOSe (JUt, VC Kayser's double finger tipped, $1.75 C;1o Ior 58c C S . , m th values . 87c ODeCialS 7 the odds and nds left J rom th Kayser's Silk Gioves. short, dou- Odd lota of toilet preparations Af Oil T Mn StOrP ? Summer bale-the lo nsts of ,))c fin t 1m aflsor.nit.nt . w)lch ., ,,e su,d ou Cl,m)lc.tftly UUr IVieil S SlOTe I i ia" an r o-som o? these wi!i " of coIors And Klzes- va,,,es to J1; to ,,,ake room f"r new s,ock3 At WriS:ht's Clothing: Store S L''i io,,n,K.r(n Uctnr,. thov ire to closo out completely, we offer Tetlow's Talcniu Towder 5c the same condition prevails f ; SJEce K .. : .79 c ,hr?i1rM---"--::vv---'r--Sc U--7V?. ?rm-, ;---20c mch end stk which to us . "- Lisle Gloves, IG-buttou length, rights Alrnood Cream, 3 t , ( L r:hi1Hrpn,; DrpSSPS blul; "nd white only, $ioo vai- bottles 25c means Kummag-e perhaps the jimuicuo iiloow ues 5Qc cdcoa on soup, regular 25c suits are of our very newest NOW Offered at 1-2 T irp CnrtnirKi , kI-1 100 and best lines also that your S Every dress that rema.ns-light In ot oYJ Curtains "io 22c 'ing opportunities are UU- i 3 colors and white this seasons tuere are but one ,ind two paIr3 Chamois Dusters, regular 25c USUal. styles. In agea C to 11 years. of A kind therefore we close them now ..19c ttatt? tt Trt pad Rec. $1.50 Dresses for 75c out quickly at these very low Stillman's Freckle Cream, 50c ttnLt -VKLljb J? UK, C Our 2 on Dresses JT.00 prices; 8ze ...39c LIEN'S SUITS. S Our $2.50 Dresses $1.25 $4. oo iace curtains $2.95 Willow's Violet Toliet Water Some 0f these suits were In the p Our S2.o Dresses $1.40 $5,011 lace curtains $3 73 50c size 35c store last year that accounts for S y Our $ 3 00 Dresses 51-50 $0 0' lace curtains $4.48 Horaxo for the bath 25c the half price you cannot plelc C Our $3 oO Dresses $1.75 $7 50 lace curtains $5.65 size 18c them, howexer. from this season1 5 ? Our $4 0,1 Dresses $2.00 $'joo lace curtains $5.85 Madam Yale's Goods offered dur best styles. S I Our Dresses up to $9.00 at HALF. R mfl Un 0 T lng this sale at a reduction of 20 $9.00 Suits $4.50 5 S Art Dpn't Snpriil; xvumiiiage nosiery percent. $10 no suits $500 5 "- 1 uptiuu Jusl lluJe (ots of'a1 8or(a of Perfumes, our best 5(c odors, at $12.50 Suits $6.25 C Dollies, round, IS Inches dlame- hosierv to offer at Remnant Prices 43c ounce. $1150 Suits $6.75 C ter, stamped Tor colored embrol- to yo they'll be as good as big Wright's Sliver Polish the great $15. r0 Suits $7.50 ilery, finished edge, regular 25c stocks. metal cleanser, 18c big jar. $ir,0 Suits $3.25 C values, to close 14c Children's Hose In fine ribbed, -r . $1S.00 Suits $9.00 f C Scarfs, stamper! for colored em- 1Isic (hread doilbi0 heels and toes. Lileail KUmiliage 111 S broidery, finished edge. 35c values, 25c value, 2 pairs 35c r r - . MEN'S ODD PANTS C to clean up th,- sale price will infants' Hose. 15c quality, iLCOnOmy .Basement CHEAPER. P be,.:K.'' u'" ' ,, .oA""Al b,nck f 03c TtATTTPnnM PTTPQ The entire stock of men's odl b h.te pillow slips. 20x20. coin- Ladles' Tan Hose, mercerized BATHROOM RUGS. pants is ofTered no at thw re- plete with niftle, embroidered In lisle, very fine; to close 19c Bathroom Rugs. guaranteed 1 u c-tlon Ji - V white-regular 75c values, to clean Ladles' Lace Boot Hose In idack washable, 30x72 l inches. Green, J9 pjints $1 59 b ol,t -43c tan and white, lace bwt pattern, navy, red, pink, $a alueS $3.98 jopanU $185 L Pf'ow covers, made of burlap palrs 35c FRAMEb PICTURES. $)n0 Pants '.$2.25 I S wl h leather trimmings, and brass A fcw black ,are hose ln nne Fraineil pclures-offer choice cf -53.50 Pants $?.65 5 buttons, $1.2., value to close out 11&le ,acC for children, small sizes. the stock at just one-hnlf of the $4 00 Pants $3.00 ? S Stamped Pillow ' Tubing, " ''for -'1 .....25c prices marked. $1.50 Pants $35 I f French and eyelet embroidery, rec- 1.50 WraDDers50c SAMPLE BLANKETS. ! j PaS 3 SH! ulap size $1.00 values pair 78c rjPCause we have only sizes 3". Sample Diankeis-hav.. been us- t Crepo Paper flowered, 10 feet in and 30 n tnis lolls Ibe reason for S.mk i? 7 P..8 1nd..8- $1.50 SHIRTS 95c. S he roll, 20 inches wide, 20c regu- mnurUaljle price. It is a reg- '!"yf ' exc,,lJllonal Jj A remnant line of men's solf S C Inr. Mh? Price ..........9c u,ar $, B0 wrft Jor raao of values for $2.85 b colored-nearlv all sizes are S A I Pyrography wood and mnter- Cale-colors are Navv. Red. Grev IMITATION ALLIGATOR shown-to sell then.' out quickly J ialsja considerable less than our an,lI31ack ngured-slzes 34 and BAGS the price will be X.c. I ? cost there will be no new stock ,r e cauo. i b of this material again this vear 6j 50c Imitation Alligator Bags-good. BOYS' WASH SUITS b J Pillow tops and backs to be em- RlimmflCrP KYlit solld rlnK hand1 to $125 val- CHEAPER 5 f broldered. 35c to 50c values. , a llm- IVUHlIliage ues, according to the slze-salo bofs'w-Jsh suit, that re- S S ited number of odd designs at.. ,3c Underwear pricc-$2.25 to $3.25. bt0 "JYncluiS in 10c Tndian I.lne . .. 5c Just little lots of summer knit SOLID LEATHER TRAVEL- sale the fnlluwinjr reductions ap- Towling. 1, Inch! bleached, yd 4c underwear, which are as good as ING BAGS ply to our new. clean stock: C lac colored lawns, what remains new-many prudent wives and Solid Leather Traveling P.ag. All 75c Suits 40c ? C " ',;" mothers 111 provide now for next leather lined, a lot which came to All $1.00 Suits 6Cc C m i m ,00,,,S IO,P"fl,S-- summer's wants. us cheap from the maker-what re- All $1.25 Suits 65c C 0 nU htrfwt -e m 1 Indies' Silk and Lisle Union mains will be .old at $4.95, $5 25 All 1.50 Suit, 75 ? 01 oil th.tts left. o.,c values.... 15c Suits, no sleeves, low neck hand- and $5.50. All $2 00 Suits 5100 Child's Muslins de Iaco ,rimnied- $17:: S1V2" couch covers. red pocket overalls y C Some of these have become a bit dies Silk and I.isle i nl'on , Couch covers, r.Oinch. heavy FOR BOYS, 25. P dusty from being displayed on the Suits, low neck, no sleeve hand 'rlrjeed tapestry covers, $1.85 val- These ulfly little overalls with 1 s-ile tables the former prices as made", lace trimmed, sizes , 5, 6 u's' the red pocket flap wo offer all ) Q follows, were sale prices, so that actual $1.50 values'!''...'... ..98c CO inch Couch Covers, a fine as- sizes for 25c k these Rummage prices arc very Ladies'' Lisle Suits In sizes 4 sortnienl of colors, frlnzed, $2 50 NECKWEAR PRICES 5 " and 5 only , $100 values while alu0s 'r .$1.85 i of the neckwear In stock In ( ''awcrs. 10c values 8c they last - 75c DINNERWARE. 0! rES Uo.u" P nraers. .,c values 122c Ladles' low neck, no sleeve un- Dinner Ware Fine English din- mighty handsome patterns. ? I rawei-s. 2,ic va ues 15c ion suits, tight knee-Out sizes nerware at smaller prices than the 50C ties .. . 35c C c,rfWCrS- "' valll0s 19c 7 and S $1.50 vnlues for.., ..98c common kind sell for. We have 25c ties 18c C 7 at-' C val,"s ..-.39c Hoys' Drawers, sizes left 22. 2'i. discontinued some of theflf pat 0e Ues 11c ? Skirts. 7..C values 59c 2S. 52 34 35-cent values 18c terns, which is responsible for the $1.00 ties""".'.! ''.'.'.' 45c O0000000060 OOGOOQ ORACLE !! GLOBE JCME UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, The great story and play of "Ante-Bellum" days. Never was it seen on a staje in this city as this picture shows it. The play is complete, every incident being brought out, the photo-raphy is fine, tbe Southern scenes are grand. 0 Every child in Ogden and parents, too, should see this gTand old play. If you can't brin vour children, send them we'll look after them. 0 Matinee every day. Big Candy Matinee for Children Saturday. DON'T LET THE CHIL DREN MISS THIS BEAUTIFUL PICTURE. LADIES' SOUVENIR MATINEE "ISIS," THURSDAY AFTERNOON. j OQOOOOOOOOGDOOOOOOpOQOOOOOOOOQOOGDOO 1 |