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Show SHEEP HERDERS SlflKku nKES District Forester E. A. Sherman received re-ceived a d.diKiicb. last evening from Mibsuula, Aiuuuij, iu reouuoo to xits oner to 6tud nfty fire fighters to the scene ot nctlou on receipt of answer. an-swer. The telegram Is aa loliows: "rre lighting fortes at present disorganized. dis-organized. El toils now being made to trace up all crews with relief parties par-ties before mailing further stand aga.nst timber firea. Will notify you later if assistance Is needed. (Signed) Silcox, associate district forester." J. W. H. Cook, flerk in the fiscal office, volunteered his services ser-vices last evening to assist in handling the accounts arising from the employment of extra men to fight the fires In Montana. Word has not been received from M!s-eoula M!s-eoula headquarters accepting the offer of-fer but It will probably be confirmed this morning. A lengthy message from Forest Supervisor Dan S Peck received last night from Palisade, Nevada, stated that threo serious fires aro raging on the Palisade Notional forest. Deputy Supervisor Charles Beam is In charge of a crew engaged on one fire leading a crew in an Indeavor to check a pecond, while ono of tho forest for-est rangers has chargo of a third crow. Mr Peck reported that he had been unable to secure sufficient men near the forest and that additional assistance assis-tance was being rushed to the sccno by team. Assistant District Forester Homer H, Fenn returned -csterday evening from an Inspection of the Sawtooth j Nat'enal Forest, brlg rig word that a serious fire which hn'' been raging In the forest for pevernl days past Is still uncontroi'ed but that tho for-j for-j est officers had bck fired from a i ridge and have the area of danger i surrounded. , This fire Is supposed to hnv been started bv sheen herders who are new under arrest awnlt'nr the'r her-j her-j Jng hofnre the United R'tes com-I com-I mIlonrr on a crlrrlnnl charge. As- slff)nt 1 nw OflVor A V. Jensen hs I pone to tho Swtoo,v for"t to represent repre-sent the Forest. Service In the pros-I pros-I coition of the case. I |