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Show : gSTHLL CONTINUES , ll'l f We are offering our entire line of carpets at I ; Sfe j jf ff !' prices that you cannot afford to overlook. We must make room for new goods and this 1 gives you an opportunity to place in your home a high-grade carpet at greatly ! ; reduced prices. Now is your chance. Be sure to take advantage of it. Come early. Ogdem Fmraltir p Carpet 'C. ; The Place to Buy Furniture and Buy It Right J t SOON, gentlemen, the doors will be thrown open on what is to be Ogden's most popular Clothing Store, a store with new goods, new ideas, and new ways of doing things, a store that will combine features quite uncommon, a store that is at the same time elegant but inviting, handsome but homelike, dignified but cheerful; a store as iine as the finest in appoint- ! . ments, as good as the best in service, as high as the highest in character, yet a store where fine goods will not be extravagantly extravagant-ly pric:d, and in which medium priced goods will, on the whole, -predominate. ' Briefly, a high class store 'with popular prices, E shall offer for your consideration the products of the country's foremost clothes and haberdashery makers, the best goods and the best known goo :V-goods that have won their way into the hearts of men by sheer force of genuine merit goods only of such worth that we can depend upon one purchase pur-chase bringing you back for another ATCH for our opening announcement L L. CLAUSE & 3mS CO. 2362 Washington Ave. Guaranteed Clothing ""r.w y iw r is.',1---1, V"2?517?-'1 ?i'--- '. . r-M .- ? ' ' i "" """"i"1' '-v'V" ,;V 'T": I I he i Fredo J. KleseS G0 ! i The Pioneer Wholesale 1 Grocers . and Whiskey Merchants ; OGDEN, UTAH General Agents for PABST MILWAUKEE BEER and for the I-DAN-HA NATURAL MINERAL WATER Bottled at Soda Spring's, Idaho " ir - ' -TTTT," ?".'. w ' . '"".J.1.-. L Vf, J' ""-I-'"-'I "'.'I'' .." ? 1 '.-1'J |