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Show tho question whelhei said City Council Coun-cil shall be authorized, allowed, and permlttpil to crcato and Incur a bonded bond-ed indebtedness of one hundred thoin-nn thoin-nn ($100,000.00) dollars, and iscuo bonds of the Cltr of Ogden therefor, to be used for the purpose of constructing con-structing nn additional conduit from the sources of water supply in the Ogden River system to the storage reservoirs of the Ogden Waterworks system: and for the further purpose of constructing additional distributive mains from the storage rcpenolrs of the Ogden Waterworks System throughout various portions of Ogden City. That the following are the places , designated for tho purpose of holding j said election, and which said election elec-tion will bo held in each of the Mun- I Iclpal Wards of said Ogden City, respectively: re-spectively: In the First Municipal Ward, at the City Hall; In the Second Municipal Ward, at the Armory Building, No 329 24th St.; In the Third Municipal Ward, at the Mound Fort School House, No. 1200 Washington Avenue; In the Fourth Municipal Ward, at the County Court House; In the Fifth Municipal Ward, at the ofllco of the Columbia Club Cigar company. com-pany. 451 25th street That the following peronfl. who are electors in their respective wards, ru hereby appointed as Judgo of election, elec-tion, to conduct, and who will conduct con-duct said elections In tho said respective respec-tive Wards In the City of Ogden: For the First Muntdpal Ward of Ogden City. James Caasln. T. F. Era-mett Era-mett and Mrs. Hebor Warner. For the Second Municipal Ward of Ogden City, David W. Evans. Mrs. T. A. NrfTmon and Mrs. D Anderson. For the Third Municipal Ward of said Ogden City. Nels Anderson, Asael Fair and Mrs. Albert Powers. For the Fourth Municipal Ward of said Ogdn City, U. ri. Donaldaon, Henry Steele and H. Goodalo. For tho Fifth Municipal Ward of said Ogden City, Hattle L. Brown, T. A. Whalen and H. C. Jacobs. That the tlmo during which tho polls shall be and remain open In each of said Wards in tho said election, as above stated, ebnll be from 7 o'clock In tho forenoon, continuously, until 11 o'clock in the afternoon of said Ctb day of Sopfember, 1910. That the amount of Indebtedness proposed to be Incurred by Ogden City, If legally authorized, permitted and allowed to tio'so by this olecMon. shall be the sum of Ono HuDdreJ Thousand (J100.0.10 00) Dollars, which sum of money shall bo used In constructing con-structing a conduit from the sources of water supply in the Ogden River System to th storago 1 reservoirs of the Ogden Waterworks System, atirf In constructing additional distributive mains from said storage reservoirs to various and districts , where needed within Ogden City. Dated Ogden. Utah, this 1st day of Autust, A. D. 1910. By order of the Mayor and City Council. CARL ALLISON. Rocorder Approved this 2nd day of August, 1910. WM. GLASMANN. Mavor. First publication, Aug. 3rd. 1910. Last publication. Sent 5th. 1910. j NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in pursuance of law aud of a resolution resolu-tion and order of tho City Council, of Ogden City, Utah, passed the 1st day of August, A. D 1910, an election elec-tion la hereby called and will be held in each of the five Municipal Wards of Ogden. Utah, on the Cth day of September, 1910, for the purpose of submitting to a vote, of the qualified electors as shall have paid property tax In Ogden City io the year 1909, |